Fact check your feed or information hygiene or citizen literacy:
- The S.I.F.T moves as a handout below and additional supporting materials on OSF. [Thanks Canva!]
- An updated slide deck for a 50 minute class about lateral readingĀ
- These impressive tutorials about citizen literacy from University of Louisville
- This has good slides and makes other good connections.
Also the Stanford study that informed a lot of it:Wineburg, S., & McGrew, S. (2017). Lateral Reading: Reading Less and Learning More When Evaluating Digital Information. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3048994additional readings can be found on the additional readings page.[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/annie/files/2020/03/sift-infographic.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google” ]