subject to revisions:

kahoot! = uses game based pedagogical design and free. Now has results information. And a literature review!

polleverywhere = free for up to 40 players, for large classes you’d need to use teams or only count the 1st 40 replies. Just added screen names as an option, has a great PPT plug in and a few other interesting quiz formats.

mentimeter – this has design elements of kahoot and some of the serious-ness of PollEv.

plickers = really nice interface for the questions. With printing out and distributing the answer cards and getting an app up an running on your phone, this one may takes a little more set up to get started.

quizizz = this one got much better. has the words on the answer options (which frustrates kahoot! users).

Polling options embedded in your LMS (we have Canvas, and I know Blackboard and Moodle have options); polling in slack and teams.

slido = clean design and simple. Free version available.

socrative = web based for students and instructors. hard selling the Pro features. clean design and nice options.

padlet = creates a board for students/users to write on, annoying for group work as it doesn’t allow users to change anything on the “board” that they didn’t create. Owner of the board would need to mediate a card sort.

webwhiteboard= this seems to do much of what padlet does, with fewer pretty options. A basic tool, hoping that it will allow for some additional group work.

Google forms can be used a quizzing tool, but slightly different.

Consider using instagram as a polling tool. Secondary accounts can be tied to primary accounts.

iClicker has a polling feature as well.

Remember that varying your questions helps with quizzing fatigue!

Also cool: – loving all of the options on this. Very excited to try it out sometime. I see it as a getting ready for class idea, or better yet, a display.