I’m such a big fan of Project Information Literacy. So here is a round up of the things I find inspiring.
Apparently students (and especially minorities) learn better if they know WHY they are doing an assignment. Here is more from the Transparency Project to help, especially the publications section of the page.
I’m also really interested in questions. I ask lots of them and think they are important. Apparently I’m not alone. Here is a summary of the Question Formulation Technique. I may have to read the book:
Question Formulation Technique
Produce Your Questions
Four essential rules for producing your own questions:
• Ask as many questions as you can.
• Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer the questions.
• Write down every question exactly as it is stated.
• Change any statement into a question.
Improve Your Questions
• Categorize the questions as closed- or open-ended.
• Name the advantages and disadvantages of each type of question.
• Change questions from one type to another.
Prioritize the Questions
• Choose your three most important questions.
• Why did you choose these three as the most important?
Next Steps
• How are you going to use your questions?
© The Right Question Institute. Used with permission.