Public Art

I chose to create my own artistic version of the murals because i thought the murals were interesting and i would like to show what i thought of. I am not a great drawer but i did my best to show my thoughts on how i interpreted the murals. I used myself and my family as an example. I started out with my birth and went all the way to the present/future. I understood that the murals went through time and this is my interpretation of it.


Tech research

The primary thesis of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is: “In this paper the origins and practices of computer graphics from 194 to the present are examined to reveal cultural patterns embedded in their material and symbolic form.” (pg. 2) So, Jones is saying that the old stuff like the technology and such have been embedded into the graphics through cultural differences and through time. She talks about how technology is in a certain form and along the way people bring new stuff to the table that make it better maybe but the technology/technique is initially the same. This makes complete sense, for example, the light bulb, I’m not sure how it went but somewhere along the way someone made the light bulb more efficient and just better for everyday people to use.

A historical example Jones provides as an illustration for her thesis is electricity and the computer. “Electricity had been considered theoretically interesting but of little or no practical value.”  (pg.2) This is so interesting to me because we use electricity for everything and every second of our lives. So, you take electricity that was invented long ago, and later through time, we invented the computer. It could not have been done without the invention of electricity.

Another example is the light bulb like I was talking about before. According to, more than 150 year ago many inventors came up with the idea of the light bulb. Now, Thomas Edison came along with the incandescent bulbs in 1879 when he patented it. The early bulbs were expensive with short life spans. I feel like it’s usually someone else who comes along and makes an item better with time, but Edison then made the incandescent even better. As time went on, someone made the bulb even better and had it last longer. And today, our light bulbs last forever I feel like and they are energy efficient like the LED bulb.



The History of the Light Bulb. (2013, November 22). Retrieved August 11, 2014, from

Jones, B. (n.d.). Computer graphics: Effects of origin.


I was watching the TED talks video and I liked how he was describing, “remix.” He described it as someone taking and creating and using other people’s content to make something. His examples he showed were interesting like the one with the anime and put a song over it and making it seem like the characters would sing the song. It reminded me of the videos where they have these people they did a voiceover thing. I included a link so you know what I’m talking about…


I thought it was very interesting where the lady in TED talks talked about how 5.93 million years ago; the first human primate was able to stand up straight and walk. And that is how long we spend playing world of war craft. She then says the only way for it to make sense is to think about time at a magnitude of human evolution. By spending all this time playing games, we are actually evolving to being more collaborative species. What these games are making us virtuosos at are: first is urgent optimism, second is social fabric, third is blissful productivity, and fourth is epic meaning.

Creative Spirituality

In the reading, it states, “When an artist encounters an artistic subject, love opens all his or her eyes. There is a rush of aesthetic pleasure, and something clicks simultaneously on every level.” I thought this was a great snippet from the reading because it reminded me of the video that was assigned to us also. Just listening to artists describe their work and what they do, you can tell how passionate they are about their art. They go through struggles but they keep doing what they do, which makes you feel like they love what they do. In the reading it talks about a “mini ego death,” which is where you are placing yourself into the mind of artist to really understand their creative spirit. One must “see through the rough image made by the artist’s hand and recognize… the empowering source behind the image.” ( p.5) This reminded me of the girl who did miniature paintings. She would get frustrated or something and leave the miniature paintings and do something else for a change, but after you did that, she would always end up going back to the miniature paintings. To me, that’s passion, and I love how people can be so passionate about things. You can really tell in their work, because it’s so well done and they put their all into it. She takes her written text and takes it to another level. When she was younger, she read the Koran, but she couldn’t understand it really. She took the beauty from the words of the Koran and incorporated it into her artwork. The way they write their letters are beautiful and the way she puts the words into the art really flows and makes the art look interesting.

All the artists in the video had symbolism in their works. It really meant something to them, but it could mean something different to me if I just looked at it without watching the video and hearing them describe their art. There is a depth of meaning in their art and I found it very interesting to see what their art meant to them.

Food art research

Food art research <– video

I thought these photos were good examples of what i thought food art is. I thought these foods were so creative on how they plated them because i would have never thought to plate food like this. I don’t think i’m creative at all. The food looks really pretty and interesting, and it also looks good, which i think is part of aesthetically pleasing to the taste buds as well as pleasing to the eye.

Parasecoli, F. (2013, August 29). Is Food Art? Chefs, Creativity, and the Restaurant Business?. The Huffington Post. Retrieved August 4, 2014, from