Lexicons – Week 6
Strategic Planning – The process making goals of creating steps to execute your vision, and then assessing whether you achieved those goals.
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – Resources that allow you to analyze your relationships with your customers.
Medium – The form in which your product is experience. This includes reading it in a newspaper, seeing it on billboard, watching it on TV, hearing it on the radio, experiencing someone perform it, etc.
Social Impact/Consequence – The result your project has on the community, both negative and positive.
Narcissism – The idea of being excessively self-focused. We discussed that simply having a social media account implies a degree of narcissism of the user. While the purpose of social media may have started out that way*, it has evolved into something much more complex as a means of communication. While it can certainly still cater to narcissism, it has numerous other outward-looking functions.
*Based on my concrete knowledge of the origin of Facebook from the movie The Social Network, Mark Zuckerberg stole the concept of Facebook from the Winkelvoss twins, which lead to a series of court battles over who gets the credit. Facebook really took off when he added the relationship status feature. This is was a big deal for initial users. So, yes. Facebook’s inception is laced with narcissism. But now my church has a group called the “Blessing Board” that facilitates benevolent serving and giving. Does owning a social media account make you inherently a little narcissistic? You tell me.