Archive of ‘Unit 09’ category

Remixing Culture

I got some new ideas after watching the TED talk by Lawrence Lessig. Lessig mention about how the law prevents the kid’s ability of creation and he use 3 examples to prove that some law is not suit for common sense or the improvement of technology.

Speaking about the copyright, it is hard to simply judge this law is right or wrong. Copyright can ensure the benefit of the creator and protect the individual’s intellectual property. However, in the situation of remix, I agree with what Lessig said that the Laws choke the creativity. I saw some remix video online and I think it is wonderfully. If law is so harsh that government punish people use other resource without permission, they suppress new generation’s creativity and inspiration indirectly. Like Lessig clam “(new technology) These tools of creativity have become tools of speech. It is literacy for this generation. This is how our kids speak. It is how our kids think. It is what your kids are, as they increasingly understand digital technologies and their relationship to themselves” The new generation influenced by the technology deeper. They are the creator of new culture. They can use the digital technology to create and convey their thought unlike the old generation.

Technology already is the main trend of the world. The law should be changed correspondingly. The people (who make the law or create the law) should have an open mind to the copyright, even other law.
