Food As Art


I consider that food definitely is an art. Art can be presented by many different forms and food is one of it. Telfer mention that“it is generally agreed that there can be aesthetic reactions to tastes and smells. “and “A work of art is by definition a man-made thing.” (p.18) It is said that man-made things, which can give people an aesthetic reactions is art. According to these criteria, food is art. People can appreciate a food through tastes, smell, and look. Like the French food, as we know, it takes a long time when you eating French food in a restaurant. This is not because the serving size of food is big or it takes along time to wait for food order. It just because French food pursuit the enjoyment of having food. Every dish is very delicate. How can we say such a food is not an art? Even though cooking an instant noodle is also an art. Everyone can cook instant noodle but no one can guarantee that he/she could cook a “delicious” noodle. The more simple food might need more skills. Someone may be argue that: whether the cooking procedure determined the food is an art or not? Telfer states: “An aesthetic reaction is a pleasant reaction to something. But it will not do as it stands. An aesthetic reaction need not be a favorable one”. As Telfer say, a food can give a pleasure feeling to people is an art in eater’s view. Even though a food do not have an attractive appearance, there is no means the food is not delicious and cannot give pleasure to people.

Dissanayake claims “ the idea of art encompasses all of human history, it include all human societies, and that it accounts for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects.”(p.15)Therefore, food can give people pleasure and satisfying is a work of art for eater. That’s no matter a form or a cooking process. Even a fast food is an art for some people, like can you imagine how the ancient people feel when they see the fast food?

Work Site:

Tefler, E. (2002). Food as Art. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 2). New York, NY: Routledge.

Dissanayake, E. (1991). What is art for? In K. C. Caroll (Ed.). Keynote adresses 1991 (NAEA Convention), (pp.15-26). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

Picture from google picture:

1 Comment on Food As Art

    August 3, 2014 at 11:11 pm (11 years ago)

    I loved the picture you used in this post, I have also noticed that there are many food designed to have certain color and pattern is really attractive for viewers, for example, I have seen the beer shaped rice and eggs dish in Japan. there are all kinds of cookies are hole kitty shaped or animal shaped, some of them are created to get children’s attention, however, adults also love them. I also head there are food museum which full of the food that are designed, as you have said”As Telfer say, a food can give a pleasure feeling to people is an art in eater’s view. Even though a food do not have an attractive appearance, there is no means the food is not delicious and cannot give pleasure to people.” However, not all of these can be called art, it must need to achieved to a level that people are willing to buy it as they willing to buy art works.


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