

For my final portfolio review I will be looking again at a set of artifacts I created throughout the fall term in Art and Human Values.  In addition to reviewing my initial reflections and reactions to the artifacts, I will strive to make clear my understanding of the connections between many of them.  I have also tried to be clear how these reflections impact my future learning on any number of topics.  The audience continues to be Professor Huette, my classmates, and peers.  My overall goal for this final portfolio review is to make visible the themes presented and explored throughout the class and my understanding of them.

 Table of Contents:

Artifact 1: People Watching– Unit 5- Adornment

Artifact 2: Tattoos and Family Values– Unit 5 Adornment

Artifact 3: Values Assessment– Unit 2 Life Values

Artifact 4: Multimedia Essay–  Unit 4 Is Food Art?

Artifact 5: Art, Games, and Technology Research– Unit 8 Technology

Artifact 6: Public Art- Unit 10 Public Art

Artifact 7: Art, Games, and Technology – Unit 8 Technology

Artifact 8: Remixing Culture – Unit 9 Remix

Artifact 9: Creative Spirituality – Unit 7 Creative Spirituality



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