Artifact 3: Values Discussion

Artifact 3: Values Discussion


  • Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors.
  • Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual.
  • Explore one’s own value system.


In A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives, the author ponders the question of whether our values are freely chosen or inherent in whom we are based on our genetic makeup.  Further, the author acknowledges that it is a difficult and complicated subject but notes that, “there is a good deal of evidence that human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts but are rather free to make their own choices.” (7) I agree with the author on this point and further agree when he makes the point that values are, “. . . personal evaluations and beliefs that propel us to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life.” (7) So, how do humans come to make choices that inform their behavior?  According the to author, the way we come to “know” things also informs the architecture of our values and that there are four ways we come to “know” something:  sense experience, deductive logic, emotion, and intuition.  In addition to these basic mental modes (10) the author also contends that we use two other “synthetic mental modes” (10) that combine the basic modes in a variety of ways.  Specifically the author notes authority and science as the synthetic modes.

My appreciation and agreement with the author’s assessment of how we create our own values is informed by the internship I had last summer working with the Greater Good Science Center in Berkeley, California.  Over the course of six weeks I was able to work with teachers from across the country as they studied different ways to regulate their emotions to improve their practice in the classroom.  While I did not know it at the time, I can say without a doubt that all four mental modes were explored as a way to better know and understand the values the teachers promoted as important for their daily practice in the classroom.  In addition, the synthetic mental modes of authority and science also came into play.


In preparing this portfolio, I reread Lewis’ A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives.  Having completed some of the other assignments for this course, including the People Watching and Values Assessment, I took away some additional insights from this artifact.   All in all, it caused me to think a lot about the choices I make, the assumptions I might make about others, and how I choose to behave and interact. Specifically, it caused me to reflect deeply on a recent experience when a few weeks ago I got the news that a high school friend, Jocelyn, chose to take her own life.  We were not in close touch over the past few years but I have great memories our friendship and her death made me think a lot about what I value and what’s important in life.  I know Jocelyn struggled with depression but I wondered what she had been feeling that would lead her to make such a dramatic and final decision.   And as cliché as it may sounds, it caused me to think hard about my priorities and what is important to me as I make my way in the world.

Below is a photo of Jocelyn with me and other friends celebrating my birthday.  The photo made me smile as I remembered how much fun we were having and the joy of being together.  This is how I want to remember Jocelyn.


In trying to understand the basic concept of values and how we embody them, Lewis offers that, “values … should be synonymous with personal evaluations and related beliefs … that propel us to action, to a particular kind of behavior and life.” (7) And, if we are to accept Lewis’ premise that, “human beings are not primarily driven by genetically determined instincts, but are rather free to make their own choices … “(7) it would seem that people, while influenced in a number of ways, make deliberate choices about how they behave.  I think it’s important to take each day as an opportunity to live ones values and not leave the little moments unattended.  Jocelyn’s death and this exploration of values reminded me of a video my mom sent to me last spring when I was struggling with my classes and workload.  As a Family and Human Services pre-major I am required to apply for official acceptance into the department.  I was very stressed out about grades and making sure I was doing everything right to be successful.  David Brooks talk, linked below, is a helpful reminder that being successful is a great goal but it should not be to the exclusion of community and love.  Mr. Brooks frames the discussion as choosing to live your life to build a great resume or by the values that would make a great eulogy.  And, how we can do both for a better life balance.

I wasn’t able to attend Jocelyn’s memorial service but I heard from many who did that the reflections of her family and friends were loving and beautiful.  Not surprisingly, there were no comments about her grades, or how much money she earned at her summer job, or even what colleges acceptances she received.  The comments all focused on her sweet and kind nature, the fact that she was a great big sister, and how much she loved her family.  Values she no doubt chose to emphasize in her too short life.


I want to spend more time thinking about my values and living them everyday.  And I want to do so not just those to get ahead or succeed but to feel good about the choices I make.  As David Brooks said, I want to live the life that prioritizes family, community, and connection.

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David Brooks Ted2014. (2014). [image] Available at: [Accessed 4 Nov. 2014].

Lewis, H. (1990). A Question of Values: Six Ways We Make the Personal Choices That Shape Our Lives. Axios Press.

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