Artifact 7: Art, Games, and Technology
Artifact 7 – Art, Games, and Technology
- Learn about the history of computer graphics
- Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintenance and change
- Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines
In her 2010 TED Talk, video game designer Jane McGonigal talks about her desire to use games to solve some of the world most pressing problems such as hunger, poverty, obesity, and global conflict. By her own admission, she says her goal is counter intuitive because even in 2010 numbers we would need to go from playing three billion hours of games per week to 2100 billion hours per week to accomplish this. Yet, she firmly believes that gamers excel in four key areas that can serve as a model for real life problem solving including: urgent optimism and self motivation; a high level of social connection; blissful productivity and happiness when working hard; and epic meaning attaching to awe inspiring work. I love McGonigal’s notion of gamers having super powers and what a unique and awesome way to think about tackling societal issues. But, I wonder if these super powers that come to the surface in the virtual world could really be transferred to the real world? Do gamers have the focus and creativity they do specifically because they have stepped out of the real world? I am not a big video game player but I have to imagine that people are drawn to games, of all kinds, because they represent a break from reality, much like movies or books. I am really curious how McGonigal might propose getting us to those 2100 billion hours of gaming and for real world problem solving, what are the rules of such a game?
In a way I could never have predicted at the beginning of the class, the unit on Art, Games, and Technology was among my favorite. As noted in other posts and reflections, I am not a big consumer of video games but given this unit and my exposure to the Remission video game this summer ( Art, Games, Technology Research), my interest was definitely piqued. It seems to me that Jane McGonigal is one of those people who can gather all she has learned and examined in her field – technology for good – and put forth exciting and bold ideas that have the potential for tremendous impact. Sure, the idea of gaming for 2100 billion hours to solve the world’s problems might sound absurd at first listen, but by digging a bit deeper into McGonigal’s work, I found a lot that makes sense particularly when understanding technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change.
Jane McGonigal’s work is Beverly Jones’ theory in action. As I noted in an earlier post Jones’ article, Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins puts forth the notion that the history of computer graphics and technology greatly informs present day discoveries and achievements. Jones says, “… computer graphics have been adopted across disciplinary boundaries …” (Jones, p. 22) This can be seen in the use of computer and game technology for human and societal improvement and the creation of ReMission andReMission 2 are excellent examples of this. Here is Jane McGonigal speaking specifically about Remission and it’s benefits in helping children and teenagers fight cancer.
The benefits of using technology for good such as health improvements, behavioral improvements, disaster relief, to name a few, has already been proven. What makes Jane McGonigal so interesting is her willingness to imagine such improvements at great scale. In a previous reflection seen here (Artifact 5) I explore the idea that advances in computer and gaming technology allow far greater numbers of people to participate in games and problem solving. New game technology, such as Twine might just be the next step towards realizing McGonigal’s idea of 2100 billion hours of gaming to solve the world’s most pressing problems. Even fifteen years ago, Jones described the process whereby the origins of computer technology morphed onto something larger and deeper. She says, “… computing power has become accessible: hardware and software developed in the laboratories of government, industry and research institutions are available … and economically feasible for small institutions and indvividuals.” (Jones, p. 25) If Beverly Jones were to pick up where she concluded her article in 1990 she very likely would be using examples of Jane McGonigal’s work and the video game Remission alongside Bell Labs and William Fetter.
I have a picture in my mind of the set of nesting Russian dolls I had as a little girl growing up in California. I loved playing with them and how each one needed the smaller one before it to fit properly in the stack. This is how I think about the development of technology for human good. Each advancement – large or small — leads to another but all are required in the chain of development. Technology is everywhere and when used well it has the potential to improve our lives in ways previously unimaginable. I plan to follow Jane McGonigal’s work as I think about my own career and look forward to seeing her seemingly impossible dreams become a reality.
McGonigal, Jane. ‘Gaming Can Make A Better World’. N.p., 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2014.