- Learn about public funding for the Arts.
- Examine public art’s role in capturing history and place-making.
- Explore the relationship of cultural values to civic dialogue, beautification and identity.
While reading the website with the history and a response to the Runquist Murals I learned about public funding for the arts through the Works Progress Administration and how they, “…provide work for artists and to increase public exposure to the arts…” I thought it was a really interesting piece of history. I had never known before this that the WPA was a part of the New Deal.
The Runquist Murals are fascinating when it comes to their capturing of history. They display some racial attitudes that were common when the murals were created, but are quite embarrassing now. When I look back on my values assessment, I can’t help but wonder that if integrity is one of my core values and I’m embarrassed by the racism in these pieces, should I make an effort to have them removed? On the other hand I think covering up history is a surefire way to have it repeated.
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