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Biology across space and DEEP TIME!!!!
So, I thought it would be a service to the community if I started posting 4D bio job advertisements that I run across in my websurfing. I know that I’ve often been frustrated by the dispersed nature of jobs for the 4D biologist. You have to follow the jobs at GSA, SVP, ESA, and a […]
In science, we call non-expert people who push pseudoscientific ideas ‘cranks’. These folks are usually engaging in something Feynman insightfully labeled ‘cargo cult science’. The cargo cults of Pacific islands typically worship the military air transports that brought resources to the islands during WW2. The islanders have no context for the events that brought the planes, […]
UPDATE: I fixed all the formulas with the WP LaTeX plugin, so you can read the sub- and superscripts now. OK, here is your spoiler warning. If you want to avoid spoilers for Star Trek Into Darkness, stop reading…. now! A lot has been written already about other problems with STID, including plenty on the […]
OK, so I’m a big Tennessee Football fan, having earned my first science merit badges as a Vol back in the late 1990s. One of the most memorable personalities to come out of UT football was General Neyland, who led the team through three intervals in the mid-20th century, interrupted by service in the Army. […]
Here’s the post where I get things started. I plan to have three main kinds of posts here: 1) Constructive reviews of interesting papers from the 4D biology literature. I plan to pick out my favorite papers from new journals each month and give a plain language review. Sometimes I will also review comic books. […]