4th Dimensional Biology at UO

Biology across space and DEEP TIME!!!!

4th Dimensional Biology at UO


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Geek Girl Con 2013: Day 2

Geek Girl Con 2013 Day two, October 20. I missed the panel on “The Changing Role of the Character of Color” because I stayed up late playing board games with Jenny and Simon, who kindly hosted me on my trip to Seattle. I was really sorry to miss this panel and I hope to find […]

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Geek Girl Con 2013: Day 1

Here I am at Geek Girl Con, my first pop culture con since my teen years. My students Kelsey and Brianna, who blog at Fossilosophy, bought me tickets for Xmas this year. I’m going to post my reactions today and tomorrow. I’m hoping to use this as a dry-run for blogging at science conferences. If […]

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Comic Reviews for 10/2 and 10/9

OK, I’m a week behind in my comic reviews. I have two good reasons: I had a weak haul on 10/2 (as you will see) and I was in the field collecting a mammoth tusk. Look: First, the two books I got on 10/2: The Shadow Now #1, Liss, Worley, Steen, covers by Bradstreet and […]

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Fossil voles point the way to the future!

I’ve published three papers this summer, and I’m finally getting around to blogging about them. So, expect two more posts shortly. My good friend Jenny McGuire and I just got our paper published in the Journal of Biogeography. I can spend a lot of time bragging on the technical details, but I understand that it’s […]

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Comics for 9/23/13: The end of Villains Month

At long last, Villains Month comes to an end. I know that Stu thinks DC can’t possibly be selling extra comic books this way, but I’m pretty sure they’re making out well from this deal. For example: this month, I have purchased 11 Villains Month books, and I usually get 11 different books from DC’s […]

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Comics Pull List for 9/18/13 – Will Villains Month Ever End?

This week I only got four books: three of the Villains Month issues and one Annual for The Shadow. I chatted with Stu at Emerald City Comics on Wednesday when I picked up my books, and he pointed out that my hypothesis that DC was trying to increase sales with the Villains Month issues was […]

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Comics pull list for 9/11/13

Here’s my short reviews of this weeks comics. More of DC’s Villains Month, le sigh. I’ll be glad when their promotion ends and we can get back to some of the regularly scheduled stories. Ratings out of five stars. Deadpool #16, Posehn, Duggan, Shalvey, and Bellaire. ***** I continue to enjoy Posehn’s stories as this […]

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Comic pull list 9/4/13

I’ve decided to merge two of my hobbies by blogging my reactions to the comic books I read each week. Here’s my first installment. Are there spoilers? You betcha! This was a big week for me, with eight books, because I skipped last week (it was a fifth Wednesday). As you know, comic books are […]

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Academic genealogies

This week I added some details of my education and my students to the open online academic genealogy: http://academictree.org/, and it got me thinking about my place in the history of vertebrate paleontology. Growing up, I heard a great deal about my family genealogy. One of my great uncles on my father’s side had undertaken the […]

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Paleo job ads for August 29

OK, so I wrote last month that I would post job ads on the fourth Wednesday of the month, and that was last week. Sorry! I’ve been busy: I got a paper published, I did the Spartan Race, and I’ve cut a big hole in the side of my car. Without further ado, here are […]

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