Below are some different diagrams used to explore scale and self-sufficiency in cities. Notice they all work in black and white! line weights, line type…
Please post as [04 Project Draft] for Tuesday TEMPLATE Please use the template on the Google Drive and the outline below. The pages are Supersquare…
2D plan and/or section block/street/intersection diagrams for each indicator – Black and white, lines – Plan 1″ x 1″, abstract unit + series of 3-5…
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Please do the following work as a basis to begin your projects and so we can get into teams of two students on Thursday. SPREAD…
1) Writing: Use the writing assignment to test ideas and research possible theoretical topics for your next project to measure a social interaction problem in…
WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Do the readings! You must take ideas from the readings and weblog videos (Guallart and Gehl), one per paragraph in the writing. The use…