Case Study - Assignment for Tuesday (pin up)

Case Study – Assignment for Tuesday (pin up)

The tiling exercise is great, better each year!

CASE STUDY ASSIGNMENT:  Arch 423_W16_Case-Study Assignment

Case Study assignment for Tuesday is to research your project and architect.  You should prepare a series of letter sized landscape  printouts (can be black and white) include:

  • Page 1 – Introduction
    • Title
    • Small thumbnail photo of the quality and Icon of quality
    • The author’s purpose paragraph with one sentence for each (mention location):
      • what
      • why important
      • who it affects
    • Sample image from project (best final visualization image)
  • Page 2Background, Sample images of project intent images (existing or study images)
  • Page 3 – Background
    • Sample project image, highlight parameter 1
      • sentence about why this parameter is important.
    • Sample project image, highlight parameter 1
      • sentence about why this parameter is important
  • Page 4 – Background
    • Sample project image, highlight parameter 3
      • sentence about why this parameter is important
    • Sample project image, highlight parameter 4
      • sentence about why this parameter is important
  • pages 5-8, one page per parameter (similar orientation) *use Panel list (right-click Multiline) if helpful, before CSV workflow.
    • Photo of quality
    • icon of quality
    • short description of quality
    • small unit diagram of relationship
    • additional small diagrams as needed
    • axon of parameter in example area (ex. 3×3 block area)

You are doing very well!  Keep up the energy.