SOJC Book Launch- Data Journalism: Inside the Global Future

The School of Journalism and Communication will be hosting a book launch for Data Journalism: Inside the Global Future, co-edited by University of Oregon’s own Damian Radcliffe. The book launch will be held in 141 Allen Hall on Thursday, November 19 starting at 4:15 pm. There will be a public presentation showcasing studies from the volume featuring:

steve doigSteve Doig, Knight Chair in Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University


nicole dahmen




Nicole Smith Dahmen, Assitant Professor of Visual Communication at the University of Oregon.

A reception will follow in Allen Hall Heart starting at 5:15 pm.

Data Journalism book cover

“Recent advances in digital technologies are allowing data journalists to find and tell stories in new and visually exciting ways, often working in collaboration with developers, statisticians and designers. It’s a new frontier for many newsrooms, but not without its own teething pains. This much anticipated follow-up volume to the bestselling Data Journalism: Mapping the future features 30 chapters from journalists, developers and academics on both sides of the Atlantic and further afield. It is an essential primer for wannabe data hacks and others interested in the trade.” –Amazon

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