Learning outcomes: At the end of the session, learners will be able to:

discuss different ways to show information creation is a process.
critique different active learning activities attempting to show how information is created

Pre-class: To facilitate how I’d use this in a classroom setting, please read/skim the short letter to the editor here. (I realize it’s science, but I hope it’s of general interest to many.)

Schwarzfuchs, D., Golan, R., & Shai, I. (2012). Four-year follow-up after two-year dietary interventions. The New England Journal of Medicine, 367(14), 1373–4. doi:10.1056/NEJMc1204792 [open here: Schwarzfuchs_2012]

Using a curriculum map, you may be either introducing this as a topic or expanding on it.

slides here

Introduction: 1 minute essay

scenarios: in pairs complete 1 of the following. complete another one if time.

a. Large lecture class, 100-220 students with iClickers, we’ll use poll everywhere for the activity today.

b. Smaller research class, 20-35 students, with or without laptops, arrange the index cards to represent information creation.

c. Smaller research class II, 20-35 students, arrange the pieces to create a story.

Jigsaw: switch groups and discuss what worked and what could be improved.

Summary and wrap up.