Artifact 8 :Remixing culture


-Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.

-Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”

-Examine your own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.

-Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity.


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aad 250 week 9



This week’s assignment is my favorite assignment in this course. It allows me to create things with my personally feeling. It’s pretty interesting. To think ten words at beginning, and then search the pictures on Google, after that choose minimum five pictures and to combine them together. I think is a good process to learn remixing culture. In simple words, remixing culture is a way to combine or revise old culture or materials, and then create a new form product. And based on those combinations, the new products are better than the olds. It’s kind like a process of innovation, revolution or creative.

However, there are exists copyrights problem on remixing culture. As Mathew Ingram states, “If there’s one concept that has suffered more damage than just about anything else as a result of the web and the ongoing explosion of digital media, it’s copyright: the idea that a content creator should have virtually unlimited control over his or her creation, regardless of what form it takes.” And Mathew Ingram gives an example, “Under current copyright law, nearly every cover song on YouTube is technically illegal”. That’s absolute truly. It’s just like steal others ideas. Moreover, at present, we can see lots of TV shows on TV. Such as American Idol. Participant sings lots of songs but without copyright. And I guess as an original singer, they do not like other use their songs for other purpose, like for profit. So it’s very hard to balance remixing culture and copyright. There is not exactly law to balance the problem between those two items.


Mathew Ingram(2011). Copyright and remix culture: The new prohibition?



I do not what’s the relationship between remixing culture and copyright. But I guess, remixing culture will developed very well. But copyright problem still does not fixed. But for some organizations, it is better to find a solution to solve that problem.


Table of Contents:

Main portfolio page

Artifact 1: Life values

Artifact 2: What is Art?

Artifact 3: Is food Art?

Artifact 4: Personal Adornment

Artifact 5: Technology

Artifact 6: Horror

Artifact 7: Creative Spirituality

Artifact 8: Remixing Culture


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