
horror research

According to this week lecture, we know that diegetic sound is the sounds in the stories, including the actor’s words, the voice of the objective object, the voice of the instrument and so on. And it is used to achieve the most natural, real effect on the stories moreover, non-diegetic is the sounds out of the stories, such as adding music make the story forward, is the most common narrative voice. As I see, I agree with that diegetic sound and non-diegetic sounds could be the factors to create horror atmosphere.

In the article, “ The sound of horror: Why hearing stuff is scarier than actually seeing stuff”, the author Renee believes sound is the key to unlocking the horror potential of film. For example, in Buffy the vampire slayer video, I remembered vampires were occurring when the background music started. And at that moment, the scene was scared me, so I agree with sounds could create horror in movies. Furthermore, the author described the reasons why sounds scare people. The first one is being sudden; the second one is by generating a frightful tone. Thus, sometimes sounds plays same rule as image in horror movies. Just like we have learned from this lecture, sounds can be contributed to the aesthetic of horror for the video.

In recently years, there are increasing number of people enjoy to watch horror movies. People may curious about ghost or vampire, which does not exists in our real life. However, I do not like to watch that kind of movies. Horror movies scare me, and I can’t sleep after watch horror movies. Because I always think of horror scene when I close my eyes.

In the article “ Why our brains love horror movies?”, the author Sharon Begley mainly discuss the reasons why people love horror movies. According research, she thought to watch horror movie is a good way to get excited. By looing this idea, I think people may want to experience something that is differ in our real life. Or their life is peace, so they wanna experience something to stimulate their brain or soul. Moreover, Sharon states, “Horror movies help young people learn to manage terror. They can either succumb to frightening images or learn to manage”. So maybe could control their bearing ability better via horror movies. It’s pretty similar as Carroll’s opinion. As Carroll mentions in his article “Why horror?”, “Many of us seek out horror fictions of this sort despite the fact that they provoke disgust, because that disgust is required for the pleasure involved in engaging our curiosity in the unknown and drawing it into the processes of revelation, rationcination,etc” (284). As I see, maybe people like to watch movies for fun or to satisfy their curiosity. And some people may want to challenge their bearing capacity on horrible things. To sum up, some times watch horror movies is good for us, but its depends on you thought.


Sharon B., (2011). “ Why our brains love horror movies?” The daily Beast.

Carroll, N. (2002). Why Horror?. In Neill, A. & Riley, A. (eds.) Arguing About Art: Contemporary Philosophical Debates (2nd ed., Chap. 17). New York, NY: Routledge.

Renee, V(2011). The sound of horror: why hearing stuff is scarier than actually seeing stuff.  No films school


Mise en scène refer to a production design, which contains sets, props and costumes. It’s also present in lighting, and includes actor’s performance. In the video, around 21:24 -23 minutes, there are few people walk in the street. The water pipe seems burst, and it spurted water into air. No one was speaking at that scene. Also the lighting is mix with gray, looks very dark. After a very short period, there are two vampires appeared. All of those create a horror atmosphere. So mise-en-scene in this example contributed to the aesthetic of horror for the video.

Diegetic sound is the sounds in the stories, including the actor’s words, the voice of the objective object, the voice of the instrument and so on. And Diegetic sound is used to achieve the most natural, real effect on the stories. In the video, around 7m minutes, heroes and heroine are talking. That’s is the example of diegetic sound. However, in this scene, diegetic sound did not contribute to the aesthetic of horror for the video. It’s just a simply conversation.

Non-diegetic is the sounds out of the stories, such as adding music make the story forward, is the most common narrative voice. And some movie sound is reflected by the voice-over. In this video, around 15:35, the girl come into room, and wanna say Hello to another girl, but she can’t speak any words. At that time, music is played. So that’s is an example of non-diegetic. This scene was scared me, because I do not know what may happened, maybe some vampire will appear immediately, so non-diegetic contributed to the aesthetic of horror for the video.

The examples of non-diegetic and mise en scene I had chosen are conform to video’s principle. The video talks about vampire, so the scene I mentions above are contributed to a horror atmosphere.