Life Values Assessment

These activities have lots of meaning to people, but I add Education as one activity. People always try to find the balance between these activities, but nobody could balance them. These activities could tell people what kind of person you are, what kind of logic you have. None of these activities is bad for people. They are all valuable for people’s whole life.  After I completing the first stage, I found that the top 5 values of mine is Family, Wisdom, Health, Friendship, Education.  I believe that family is the most part in people’s life. The family environment could affect a person’s mind. Sometimes we can know how the person’s family is through people’s words and deeds. The thing that I inherit from my family is honest. My grandma always tells us, to be a honest person you will benefit from that. The second thing that I have learned from family is to be a creditable person.  These belief patterns still have authority in my thinking, because I know this is truth and I still benefit from that. The thing that no longer valid, is some old ideas, like older people always better than the younger one. I think nothing could prove this opinion in our life.

One goal that I set to myself is reading more books, and to get more knowledge. The problem is I have no patience to read a book. I always spend my time with my friends or video games. My heart is not firm. When I read a book, I will read several pages in a day. The other pages will cost several months. The other goal is to have more enjoyment of life. I think my life is lack of enjoyment, that maybe I just stay around the campus. Or I do not have the vision of discovering enjoyment. I always complain things, like I do not like raining day, I do not like to wait, I do not like studying, etc. I think this is the problem of my attitude. The last goal that I want to achieve is to have more leadership. The thing is I always stay with the same people, and I think I need meet more people. I should learn from people, and I think everyone is my teacher.

List: Family, Wisdom, Health, Friendship, Education, Enjoyment, Loyalty, Personal development, Expertness, Community, Creativity, Personal Accomplishment, Independence, Leadership, Security, Wealth, Service, Prestige, Integrity, Power, Location.

Values Discussion

In our human society, different people play different roles. Our society is progressing, so every people have contribution to our society. If the people have contribution that means the people has value.  How to identify people’s value in this society? Like the author said, in this article, “Perhaps we are not driven by immutable instincts. But we might still be controlled by the influence of genes on our underlying personality, or alternatively, by peer pressure, by the relentless demands of the society in which we happen to live.” To identify the value of people is a kind of inborn ability. When people born, people already know what is good and what is bad. The value of People’s viewpoint of value will be influenced by the environment they live. Children always influence by their parents. When I was young, I have a friend who does not like to talk with people. The reason is his parents are devoiced, and his dad doesn’t talk too much. My friend might think that do not talk is right. The value of a person does not stop shaping until people die. People’s value always be influenced by their family, friend, or this society. I think value of people is not a unilateral thing. My question is, if only one person in the world, does this person have value?   In this society, people live with each other. In another word, people are exchange value. People work with each other, people know other’s value from their feeling.  Sense experience is the first thing that people know other’s value. One person’s value should be discovered by another person’s experience. When there is only one person in the world, the value for this person is not that obvious. I think the expression people’s value is based on other people. Person’s personality and belief is the part of value. Value is like a Lego, it is shaped by a lot of things. When people express their value, other people will evaluate that.