Unit 03 Discussion

What is art? This should be a very difficult question to people. When people mention art, the definition of it is very broad. No one has an exact definition for it.  Art exists everywhere in people’s life. It depends on how you identify art. We can say that an apple is an art. The house we live is an art. Also music is an art. Art should be discovered by people’s senses. Different people have different feeling about art. Some people think that is an art, but some people do not think so. If some people say something is an art, then this thing is an art.

In this article, this author shows us her experience of art. She connects the art of west and the art of east. The way that people express art is different in different century or time period. The sign of art is different. The first art is express in the religion. The thing that art express changed from god to men. I think art is just the way that people to express their emotion. People have different emotion or though in different periods. They art that people created based on the thing that happened at that time.

There is a sentence in this article, I highly agree with is “Implicit in this account is a recognition that what is said (or written) about a work is not only necessary to its being art, but is indeed perhaps more important than the work itself. There is no appreciation of art without interpretation.” Every art is a media that transmit information to people. The appearance for an art is the most important thing, but the information that could express means more for itself. The art could give the solid thing life, and make it more valuable. Why people always keep the old painting or picture? Why Vinci’s art could sell million bucks? Why people always play Beethoven’s music? They are all products of human. These things are the symbols of a time period. They are all express something that people could not see in their vision. Only thing you can do is feel them with your heart.

3 thoughts on “Unit 03 Discussion

  1. Hi Zheng,
    After reading your post, you provide some basic idea about art such as you think art is a very broad and hard to define. But your opinion shows that a single person can define art. Admittedly, the conception of art is abstract, the way people define it is commonsensical. According to Ellen Dissanayake, art is a combination of history, society, and emotional needs and impacts of human being. So art has a special social value that may be conducive to the upper layer of construction of the human being. It seems not scruple to say that if a person thinks something is art then it is. In the last paragraph of your essay, you point out that you think the appearance is the most important part of art. However, I hold the different perspective that the ways people use to express art are divergent. It seems arbitrary to protuberant a single part of the art. The perception about the art should be all-round that when we analyze a piece of art, we should include all aspects as possible as we can, not only in judging one’s appearance, the culture or spirit that behinds an art work also has some highly regarded value.

    • Hi Kaiqing, thank you for your valuable comment. I agree that you said a single person cannot define art. In my article, I just try to say art is broad, and different people have the different mind of art. Some people’s art is hard to understand, but there is art in it. In my opinion, everything is art. When a people say something is art, then it is art for him. If this is art for him, then this is a art. It just depends how people define art. I think you are right that we cannot focus on the appearance of art. Some artwork is intangible, then we need to listen and to feel it with our heart. Like you said the culture or spirit that behinds an artwork also has some highly regarded value. I think you are right. When people appreciate an artwork they always connect it with its decade, and what happened at that time. This is a great idea that to appreciate an artwork.

  2. Hi! Zheng!
    Your response to the reading and topics are really clear and concise, and I really enjoy it.
    First of all, I do strongly agree what you said in your comment that “the art could give the solid thing life, and make it more valuable. ” In the video our professor posted on the blog it inferred that art is much more beyond the enjoyment and beauty; however, in your comment, you mentioned that the most important thing of art is appearance. It sounds a little bit self-contradiction to me. Personally I believe that the value of the art is not only about the beauty of appearance; it is more about the way of showing people’s emotions and thoughts which can cause resonance among different kinds of people. This is why people will cry or show their emotion when they see something like art painting or movie. Different people have different understandings of their own life; when they add these kind of emotions into their work (no matter what kind of art it is), it must be unique and special.
    Overall, I really like your response! Good job!

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