Enjoying Horror Discussion

For the diegetic in Buffy, I found that on 16:50, the woman try to enter some place with identification. The sound of computer says that she could not enter the hospital. The breathing of this woman becomes rapid. I think this is the diegetic part in this movie. From the link that the professor provides, there is no video on it. When I hear these sounds I can imagine the scene, there is no person and the woman must be chased by something. She is trying to enter some place to shield herself, but she cannot enter without identification. This diegetic makes me feel the situation of her, and this does a contribution to the aesthetic of horror movie.  This situation for a woman who is by herself is very scary. Especially, her rapid breathing shows that she is in tension.

For the non-diegetic in Buffy, I found that on 25:44. The background music begins. At first of this music, the temple is very rapid. It sounds like the person is in danger, and when you hear it you will get nervous. The sound of violin makes it creepier. The sound of the drum, once and once seems some scary things will appear. At the mid of this music the pitch of it becomes slower, but it is very weird and spiritual. This is the non-diegetic in Buffy. I think this part of music is doing more contribution than the diegetic thing. It will lead people’s motion to a nervous point. Not only watching the video, but also listening to the scary music. The music is easy to control the audience’s mood.

For the mise-en-scene in Buffy, this movie is taking on some school campus. The fighting scenes seems like happens in a theatre. This makes more interesting that the woman could climb or fall into the stage. The place that the movie picks is more like the place that we are easy to identify. This mise-en-scene could lead people to the environment. When people see this scenes, people will think some day they will meet a vampire. Mise-en-scene is very important to make a movie more attractive and realistic.

Personal Adornment Presentation

When I walk on the street, I like to watch the people pass me. I like to see their clothes, or the small thing they are wearing. Some time I like to read words on their shirts. For this assignment, I just sit outside of Noodle Head to watch people on the street.

The first person is a white guy. He wears a sleeveless sweater, a sports shorts and a pair of Nike shoes. He is about 6 feet high, and he also wear a sunglasses. This guy’s body is very big. From his muscle, I can tell that he does a lot of work out. I always do a lot of work, I know he must drink a lot of protein shake. On his sweater, it says “I am the coach of beer”. I think he must like to party and he can drink a lot. From his wearing, it told me he is an outgoing person. Because that he like to show people his muscle and habit. His sunglasses is a green one, this might told me he is the fan of duck. From the appearance of him, there is no any adornment on his body. He also does not have tattoo. This could make me feel that he is very clean, and he does not like to make any symbol.

The second person that I have watched is a white girl. She wears a blue skirt, and a pair of sandal. Blue color gives me a feeling of purity and clean. The sandal tells me this girl is down to earth, and she is easy to talk with. This girl is about 5.4 feet. She wears heart-shaped sunglasses, and I think her personality is very lovely and cute. From her wearing, I can tell she is a hippie. Her hair is like perm. She wears about 6 rings on different fingers. There are also about 6 bracelets on her wrists. On her bottom lip, there is a labret. When I see people who wear this kind of things, I feel pain first. This should represent something happened to her. I think to wear labret is to memory some important things. Her necklace is the shape of piece. I feel this girl has a huge heart that is full of love and piece. In conclusion, it is easy to identify a hippie from their outlook.

The third person is my friend Jinyu Zhou. He is a Chinese guy. He does not know I am observing him right now. He wears a white shirt, a grey shorts and a white shoes. From his appearance I can tell that he is Asian. This is not because that he is my friend. I found that the style of wearing for most Asian people is different as native people. It is easy to identify on the street. I think this is because of different culture. He has short hair, and his body is a little bit fat. I think he does not like to do too much workout, but he loves good food. When he talks with me, he always keeps smiling. This makes me feel that he is a very kind and nice person. His short hair also makes me feel that he is a person who is clean and tidy. The white shirt also makes me feel that.

Is Food Art? Discussion

This is a conflicting question that food is an art or not. In the beginning Tefler’s article, she talks about the Aesthetic reactions. When people see food, they do like to watch them. After chef cooking a meal, food is more like an artwork. The appearance of food brings people aesthetic satisfaction. Food has their color, shape, and flavor. People get these information by using their sense organs. When people appreciate an artwork, they also use their sense organs to do it. Food is the product of nature. In the broad way that people define art, food should be an artwork.

But in my opinion, food is not an artwork. For an artwork, it must last a long time period. Some painting or music could be preserved for several decades. A dance could be inherited by different generation. Dancing also could be spread to the whole world. Food cannot be like that, because food is hard to keep. In Tefler’s article, she claims that “To be a great work of art, an object must have had the chance to “speak” to different generations.”(p.24) An artwork carries a lot of information, people could get information from this artwork’s expression. Different generation might get different information from an artwork. This is about history of human, and the progress of human’s civilization. From this point, we also can realize that an artwork should be memorable. For a food, it is hard to imagine that to have a memorable issue. From Ellen Dissanayake’s essay, “What is Art for?”, she mentioned that “art is a behavior of making special”. People eat food every day, and people get nutrition and energy from it. Food is a very common thing since human’s civilization begun. Food can be grew everywhere with soil and water, and everyone has the ability to grown it. Most food has the similar shape and color. I think food is not that special to be an artwork. Food is just a member of food cycle.

What Is Art For? Essay Assignment

  1. In this article, the author Ellen Dissanayake coined this term of palaeoanthropsychobiological. She said in her article, palaeoanthropsychobiological arises from an unfamiliar perspective. She also gives us 3 point of that. First, art encompasses all of human history. Second, it includes all human societies. Third, that it accounts for the fact that art is a psychological or emotional need and has psychological or emotional effects. She also mention that art must be viewed as an inherent universal (or biological) trait of the human species. (page 15).
  2. In this article, Ellen said that “The species-centered view of a combines modalism’s proclamation that art is of supreme value and a source for heightened personal experience with post modalism’s insistence that it belongs to everyone and is potentially all around us. It does this by thinking of art making and experiencing as a human behavior.”(p.22) From this sentence, I realize that the author try to define art is related with people’s life. Art is everywhere, and I think “making special” is a reflection of people’s opinion of art. From her article we know that people try to make things special. This means that people have their own opinion that how to express art. This is the progress of art. People also like beautiful things. The realization of art is clearer and clearer from people’s behavior.
  3. In page 16, she said in the medieval times, and it is the period of Renaissance, artists replace God-centered with man-centered concems. The second period is modernism. Like she said “This was that there is a special frame of mind for appreciating works of art- a “disinterested” attitude that is separate from one’s own personal interest in the object. Its utility or its social or religious ramifications.” This is the progress that people how to appreciate an artwork. The third period is postmodernism, “the assumption that interpretation is indispensable to appreciating and even identifying artworks”. “To claim that one can appreciate works from alien cultures is an imperialistic act of appropriation- molding them to one’s own standards while blatantly dismissing or ignoring that standards of their makers and users.” This period, people improve the appreciation of art to another high level.

Life Values Assessment

These activities have lots of meaning to people, but I add Education as one activity. People always try to find the balance between these activities, but nobody could balance them. These activities could tell people what kind of person you are, what kind of logic you have. None of these activities is bad for people. They are all valuable for people’s whole life.  After I completing the first stage, I found that the top 5 values of mine is Family, Wisdom, Health, Friendship, Education.  I believe that family is the most part in people’s life. The family environment could affect a person’s mind. Sometimes we can know how the person’s family is through people’s words and deeds. The thing that I inherit from my family is honest. My grandma always tells us, to be a honest person you will benefit from that. The second thing that I have learned from family is to be a creditable person.  These belief patterns still have authority in my thinking, because I know this is truth and I still benefit from that. The thing that no longer valid, is some old ideas, like older people always better than the younger one. I think nothing could prove this opinion in our life.

One goal that I set to myself is reading more books, and to get more knowledge. The problem is I have no patience to read a book. I always spend my time with my friends or video games. My heart is not firm. When I read a book, I will read several pages in a day. The other pages will cost several months. The other goal is to have more enjoyment of life. I think my life is lack of enjoyment, that maybe I just stay around the campus. Or I do not have the vision of discovering enjoyment. I always complain things, like I do not like raining day, I do not like to wait, I do not like studying, etc. I think this is the problem of my attitude. The last goal that I want to achieve is to have more leadership. The thing is I always stay with the same people, and I think I need meet more people. I should learn from people, and I think everyone is my teacher.

List: Family, Wisdom, Health, Friendship, Education, Enjoyment, Loyalty, Personal development, Expertness, Community, Creativity, Personal Accomplishment, Independence, Leadership, Security, Wealth, Service, Prestige, Integrity, Power, Location.

Unit 03 Discussion

What is art? This should be a very difficult question to people. When people mention art, the definition of it is very broad. No one has an exact definition for it.  Art exists everywhere in people’s life. It depends on how you identify art. We can say that an apple is an art. The house we live is an art. Also music is an art. Art should be discovered by people’s senses. Different people have different feeling about art. Some people think that is an art, but some people do not think so. If some people say something is an art, then this thing is an art.

In this article, this author shows us her experience of art. She connects the art of west and the art of east. The way that people express art is different in different century or time period. The sign of art is different. The first art is express in the religion. The thing that art express changed from god to men. I think art is just the way that people to express their emotion. People have different emotion or though in different periods. They art that people created based on the thing that happened at that time.

There is a sentence in this article, I highly agree with is “Implicit in this account is a recognition that what is said (or written) about a work is not only necessary to its being art, but is indeed perhaps more important than the work itself. There is no appreciation of art without interpretation.” Every art is a media that transmit information to people. The appearance for an art is the most important thing, but the information that could express means more for itself. The art could give the solid thing life, and make it more valuable. Why people always keep the old painting or picture? Why Vinci’s art could sell million bucks? Why people always play Beethoven’s music? They are all products of human. These things are the symbols of a time period. They are all express something that people could not see in their vision. Only thing you can do is feel them with your heart.

Values Discussion

In our human society, different people play different roles. Our society is progressing, so every people have contribution to our society. If the people have contribution that means the people has value.  How to identify people’s value in this society? Like the author said, in this article, “Perhaps we are not driven by immutable instincts. But we might still be controlled by the influence of genes on our underlying personality, or alternatively, by peer pressure, by the relentless demands of the society in which we happen to live.” To identify the value of people is a kind of inborn ability. When people born, people already know what is good and what is bad. The value of People’s viewpoint of value will be influenced by the environment they live. Children always influence by their parents. When I was young, I have a friend who does not like to talk with people. The reason is his parents are devoiced, and his dad doesn’t talk too much. My friend might think that do not talk is right. The value of a person does not stop shaping until people die. People’s value always be influenced by their family, friend, or this society. I think value of people is not a unilateral thing. My question is, if only one person in the world, does this person have value?   In this society, people live with each other. In another word, people are exchange value. People work with each other, people know other’s value from their feeling.  Sense experience is the first thing that people know other’s value. One person’s value should be discovered by another person’s experience. When there is only one person in the world, the value for this person is not that obvious. I think the expression people’s value is based on other people. Person’s personality and belief is the part of value. Value is like a Lego, it is shaped by a lot of things. When people express their value, other people will evaluate that.

Blog review

After completing each subdivision, the technician would create a polygon around that area to mark it as complete and to acknowledge personal responsibility for that portion of the work product. This kind of technology means a lot of value for people. In our life, map is very important for people. No matter for the traffic, or disaster. When you want to travel to a place that you don’t familiar with, the GPS will be a very important tool for people. The value is much more important than anything else. The value of this GPS is more important than a car. The GIS also could warn people the disaster first. Long time ago people do not have this kind of technology, disaster is a very scary thing to people. When people have this kind of technology, they will have enough time to prevent it. This could save people’s property and life. This is the progress of people. When a thing is useful to people, the value of this thing will emerge to people. The value of this technology is very big. Technology is the product of people’s wisdom. The value of it should mean a lot for people. In this world, value is hard to identify. The first thing the thing is useful to people, second people think this is a right thing. 




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