
  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintanence and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines


After watching the speech “Gaming can make a better world” given by Jane McGonigal (I posted above), she mainly discussed about how online games influence people’s lives positively and through playing games people can make better lives of our world. There were a few points she mentioned that impressed me very much. As she said “when we are in game worlds, I believe that many of us become the best version of ourselves…the most likely to stick with a problem as long at it takes, to get up after failure and try again. And in real life, when we face failure…we feel overcome, overwhelmed we feel anxious, maybe depressed, frustrated or cynical.” This part pointed out a reality that the difference when people face failure between virtual world and reality. However, through this part, I think people can actually learn a lot from game world, we should have confidence and learn how to work with other people to solve many problems in our real lives, just like we solve those problems in virtual world. Although I know the fact is the problem in virtual world is totally different from real world, but I mean choose what attitude to face the problem is much more important we should learn.


During this week, we are talking about technology & art, in Jones’s article, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins.” I think the author mainly want to discuss about the relationship between technology and art, and with the development of old/origin technology, how does it related to human society and what is the effect of people’s life. As the author states her thesis in his article “reflecting origins and prior practices, these embedded patterns may have existed in art, technology or other aspects of material and symbolic culture.” (51). The author traces the evolution from alphanumeric hardcopy, static and dynamic screen images, through objects and events that are not screen-based, to dynamic, interactive, multisensory output. The effects of origins and prior practices are not only in technology but also in art, and during so many years’ development, computer graphics and new technologies normally been used and influence every people’s life.

In today’s culture, there are so many art work or technology are also based on old patterns and both art and science are perfectly related to each other. There is a very simple and easy understandable example I want to provide is most modern buildings especially high building like (Eiffel tower, Burj Khalifa Tower) always has a shape of triangle or triangle top. As most people know the theory, “Triangle has the stability.” Where is this come from? It is from “Egyptian pyramid.” The Egyptian pyramid has thousands history in human culture, and it is a great art work with a great talent of scientific technology, it perfectly represents the combine of art and technology and influence human’s cultural development till today.



(World of Warcraft, the most famous online game.)

I never think about or believe that games will really change our lives. However, I do agree some point with Jane’s speech that we can actually learn many things from games. It depends on what kind of games we play and what can we learn from them such as confidence, teamwork, passion, and perseverance.


Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.