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Remixing Culture Discussion

According to the speech “Laws That Choke Creativity” which given by Larry Lessig, he summarized the development and commercialization of telecommunications technology, tells three stories to pointed out the problem which is called “Read-only culture.” The RO culture is “one where creativity is consumed but the consumer is not a creator. Before the arrival of the internet, culture creation was owned by those on top, with the proverbial vocal cords of the mass silenced.” However, when internet comes, this problem could be fixed, like Larry said in his speech “its opportunity to revive the read-write culture.” I agree with this opinion very much, it is the fact that before internet comes, many resources were undering a commercial monopoly by some powerful organizations. At that time people be deprived of their creativity and it is negative for develop of human culture. However, when internet created, people can find and use many sources that they want to, and a new idea called “remix” comes out, too. Which doesn’t mean copy or stealing, it is a brand new idea to recreating, using digital technologies to say things differently. The importance of this is like he said “the technique has been democratized.” It is absolutely a huge progress and advantage for people to share ideas, for kids to creating, and for all human’s future development.

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