Diegetic sound

The example I choose is the first day after the demons take all people’s voice from the town, one of Buffy’s friend comes to school, when she go through the hall, is so quiet and have no sound, a man comes in with a glass of water and dropped by accident, the sound that glass hit the ground and broken is a great example of diegetic sound. Although it is very short but this detail makes a very good impact to the audience and a horror feeling to people in this movie, to remind them their voice had been taken by demons.

Non-diegetic sound

The example I choose from movie is that when the demon want to steal people’s voice with a small box at first night, when that demon opened up the box, a sound comes with it,(from 13:32-13:36), it sounds like wind but not only this but also another kind of sound. This few seconds is non-diegetic sound, it successfully makes a horror feeling to me, I don’t know what is this box use for at that moment, but it do contribute fear to me, to attract me want to keep going to see what will happen next, and to imagine what is this box made for.


The example I choose is the first night the demon show up, at very beginning, the belfry, the camera from bottom to the top, outside to inside, with horrible sound comes, I don’t know what will happen, then, I saw a pair of withered hands carrying a box, when the demon opened the box, the scene change to the outside of the belfry again, and it was 1:00 am, it’s an information to tell us most people in this town might fall asleep, and then the scene change to view the whole town, then towards to a house, finally into the house and see a bed, which let me know, the demon wants to steal voice at that time, it was great mise-en-scence, which has a very clear and step by step to contribute such horror feelings to the audience, awesome.