When I heard about horror movie, even when I want to watch, I give up at the end almost all the time. The sound always makes me feel scared and sometimes the lighting, costume did make me feel uncomfortable. However, with other perspective, the movie uses successful ways to make the movie successful in horrifying. Just like Mis en scene, non-digetic sound and digetic sound.
According to the class notes that provided in the blog, “Mis en Scene consists of setting, lighting, costume and figure expression and movement, and also consider camera placement”. Then, back to the movie “Buffy”, there was a situation that the light turned down quickly which made the classroom dark, after that, there were just two people left and then the skull showed up. It just horrified me and I feel cared. Actually, not only this action happened in the movie, if this situation happened in daily life, people should be scared in a short time.
The digetic sound is the sound “whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film” (Class notes). There were two actors stuck into an elevator. At that time, it was really nervous for them to get out of that situation. One of the actors puffed hard when he tried to get out the elevator. The sound of the breathing from the actors just made the situation more nervous.
The non-digetic sound is the sound that “whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action, and is represented as coming from a source outside story space” (Class notes). The music which plays during the boy and girl kissing each other were actually not related to this situation, but it made me more immersed in the situation. I think this is non-digetic sound and this sound is invisible and made the atmosphere more strange and horrified, it let people have more time to think or feel the situation.