Life Values Assessment


●Become familiar with the basic relationship of human values to psychological and philoshopical endeavors.

●Understand that values are formed from external and internal drives of an individual.

●Explore one’s own value system

Artifact: (Link to the original post)

List: 1. Enjoyment

2.  Independence

3.  Friendship

4. Creativity

5.  Health

Today I went to supermarket to buy food and daily supply since it is Sunday. I think location, service and health can represent what I did today. For location, I always shop the nearest supermarket. Also, the market needs to have good service and the foods there need to  be healthy so that I am willing to go.

According to my list, I do feel enjoyable after I shop and I always go alone which present independence. Also, I always buy drinks for my roommate and it is where friendship come out. For creativity, sometimes I need to cook food in different way and I do need to be creativity to make this happen. Finally, the food still need to be healthy so that I am willing to buy and eat.

I have a good personality. So I usually do enjoy what I do. And I learn creativity from my mom who taught me how to cook well. I try to be independence because it is the way to live in a society. I always try to be healthy because if my body don’t last, I can’t do the things I like.


I start this assignment by ranking up some of the value statement according a limit scenario that this assignment provides. Value is a very important tool when a man decide to work on something. There are four small concepts of value from “A Question of values” : sense experience, deductive logic, emotion and intuition. These four elements control people’s valuation on things and one man always have a strong element. This element will be the first judge and limit other elements’ effect. If you like logic a lot, you will always use logic to value things instead of other three elements. In this way, different people will have really unique value.

While different people rank their value differently. This is mainly because their living environment. People’s living environment changes what they like to do. For example, if your parents taught you how important time is with many times, you would probably become a on-time man. People always value things by their interest. In this way, it is  easy for them to rank up the things they are going to face. Lewis who is the author of “A Question of Values”, shows readers the connection between value and human behavior. People usually decide to do one thing because it’s worthy to do. And that’s where I learn how important is value and everyone has their own value system.

Learning goals for future of studying:

For future, it is really important for me to dig out what is the most important value for me. Even I did a rank on previous assignment, but it is not good enough. It still has problem to be fixed. I need to figure out which concept of value does the most work in each different scenario. Especially when I go to work in the future, I need to understand other people’s value and  try to use my value communicate with them. However, as I said, value changes as the environment changes. So I may or may not have a different rank of values in the future. We will see.


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