Art, Games, and Technology Research

1.Correctly identify the primary thesis of  ”Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”

According  to “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” by Beverly Jones, she shows that there is a big influence between computer graphics and art from nowadays and past. Art and computer graphics impact each other in a special way. People want to see the clear and beautiful graphic of a true art, then the improvement of the computer graphics will fill this demand. And when digital graphics are improved, then people is going to have a better chance to see the art work they want to see. This proves that there is a strong connection between art and computer  graphics.

 2. Identify one of the three historical examples Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis.

I can give an example from the article which is a case in 1985 of Tony de Peltrie. The 7-min-50-sec film Tony de Peltrie cost 1.5 million dollars and took years to produce. At that time of period, making this kind of  graphics  movie is really hard and expensive but there is strong demand for that. These movie director want to find a way to  reduce the cost of making such quality of movies and improve the quality of movies  at the same time. So with the time pass, people always trying to find a way to solve  these problems.

3. Provide a compelling and accurate illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture.

In today’s  culture, Jones presents that high-tech is a strong trend of form for people to make art  projects  instead of hand-making since hand making can be unreliable at some point. Technology improves so fast  these days so that people want to use more of  these technology so they can  make art project faster and  more accurate.

Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image –Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

Art, Games, and Tech discussion

Every interesting topic for this week. Personally, I am typical PC gamer. I spend more than 15hours a week on games with friend or alone. According to the TED talk by Jane McGonigal, game can save the world by solving the real life puzzles in the imagine world.  You might think it won’t be true and I can’t promise you playing game can save the world either, but what I can tell you is game improve a person’s ability to manage and observe things. Why is that? Because there are so many puzzles in every games. Some are pretty simple but some are extremely hard.  I am also a Economics student. Economics teaches me the importance of allocating resource. How important is it? For example, every month you need to buy food under your budget level so you won’t run out of money and get hungry. And we can make it bigger, every month, the whole world is allocate their money to buy food supply at their budget level. If you don’t manage your money well, you might get hungry or if accident happened and you don’t have money for medical supply. So allocate resource is always a big issue in the world and everyone is solving it.  How does that connect to the game world? Because we, gamers, solve these problems in game. It  is like a simulation. Without the actual cost in real life, we might solve the real life problem in games.

There is a group of people called “Extra life”. People donate money to them by playing games together and “extra life” send these money to help kids. One of the big donation was on Twich.TV which is the world biggest video platform and community for gamers. On that day, so many people donated under the name of games. Now, Extra life has over millions donations overall to save the kids around America and Canada.  People know they are doing the right thing and they just need a right platform to help them. Game is just the right tool.