Creative Spirtituality Reflection

1.In my opinion, spirituality is something really pure of what an individual can think about based on what he/she believes. It does not have a wide-agree definition, but I think everyone has spirituality.  spirituality is not just a simple process of one man’s thoughts, but a balance point of his/her ideas in every situations.  When spirituality shows itself,  everyone can actually see what it looks like.  Overall, spirituality is pretty unclear but has deep meaning.

2.Different from spirituality, religion is something more specific.  Why? Because religion has a goal. The goal of religion is to let people believe this idea. If we can see religion, it is just like an apple in front of us. We can see the details on it, like colors or any hole on it. However, we cannot see what’s inside of it. The core inside of the apple maybe bad. You can only know when you taste the apple. This is how religion feels like.

3.Creativity is not a strange word. Most of my class in university tells me to be creativity. Reason is because creativity can bring really amazing creation. When someone tells you to create something it does not necessarily means that you have to make an object that has never been discovered, but you can just combine two old things with new reasons  and meaning and it will become a creation. Then the ability of creation is called creativity.

4. The source of  creativity is from everywhere. Most people get their ideas from daily life. When your assignment needs you to be creative, people will automatically search from their old experience and they will search it. They search it so they can see clearly what can be combined together and make this  assignment much more easier. Creativity really just come from everywhere in daily life.  Everyone can be creative. They just don’s know it.

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