Art, Games, and Technology Research

The primary thesis of “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins” is  showing readers a truth that there is a relation of  specific image, object, event or environment to conceptual frames,which are exist within art and technology and are present in other forms of symbolic and material culture.

One of the examples that Jone provides is  “The stone columns of ancient Egyptian architecture were based on earlier bound papyrus columns”. The medieval art is somewhat simliar in technique to draw a pictures. He explained his thesis by illustrating the example of material culture. According to cultural differences, artists viewed their drawing materials differently and expresses their ideas on the paintings. They did not just copy the works but imported new techniques to show the same effects with original works.

I think this essay states an strong thesis, the graphic art forms will continually effected by their origin and practice. Also, the author found the evidence from a paper: “the origins and practices of computer graphics from 1945 to the present are examined to reveal cultural patterns embedded in their material and symbolic form”(P21). The patterns may have existed in art or/and technology. I believe the old culture pattern do not disappear and the new ones are keep coming.   Today, numerous techniques are available for artists, filmmakers, photographers,etc. For example, the anime is art phenomenon in Japan, it promotes the development of anime technologies and creates an anime culture.  After the mature of anime film and books.  More Japanese artiest start use anime elements in their paintings and sculptures, on the another hand, animators are becoming new type of artists, such as Hayao Miyazaki. Now in Japan, great animators are culturally considered artist. Most important point is, the anime techniques are definitely has the Japanese culture patterns. The meticulous care and working attitude can tell.

John Meada’s article  “How is technology changing art?” also points out that art is highly linked to technology. Meada supports Jone’s opinion because he said that:” I made art with the computer, writing computer programs. I made things that could morph and change and if it wasn’t for the Internet maybe a thousand people would know about it” (Meada). I think the technology changes the culture patterns, Changes the way people reach to art, the way people receive art and the way people express how they feel about art. these will considered by artiest and then finally reflect in the art.


Work Cited  

John M,(2012, October) How is technology changing art?

Assignment Unit 8

After I watched the Ted Talks video “Gaming can make a better world” by Jane McGonigal, I felt as if video games cannot help people with reality problems because they are not dealing with them. In fact, people who play video games are running from reality because of fear of not succeeding. However, I like the idea that playing games can help people deal with reality and believe it or not there are better ways of using this technique. Jane McGonigal argues “that people should play more video games to better deal with reality.” I disagree, I think people should focus more on reality and present every problem in a virtual perspective. That way like McGonigal says we can all have the “Epic Win.” For example, my brother plays a lot of video games and he is now working in Microsoft. But, through the process of getting his P.H.D. degree, he had a shortage of money. So he spend many months dedicated to writing a program for buying and selling Bitcoin stock. In other words making profit without working. He was successful and used the program in his P.H.D. defense. He looked at an issue in reality and found a virtual answer to it. Therefore, it is better to play reality as a game rather than a game as reality because it creates critical thinking, teaching, and learning opportunities to better solve problems and be successful in reality. But in the end the real question will be, is it best to play more video games and learn how to deal with life’s issues or deal with life dilemmas as if they are video games to achieve the “Epic Win”?