Hello, I like your post, your description is simple but accurate. The second example, your said your roommate looks like Korean, because he is Asian and had longer and curry hair, it tells me that you know some Korean people and you know their appearance, you also know your roommate’s gabby through his clothing. In the third example, you also gives a guess on a boy who uses expensive bags in school, he is showing his ability of spending, and then you take a guess on his family’s finical situation must be good. These guesses are based on your life experiences and I think they are reasonable.
Category: Assignments
response to Dongjoon’s post of unit 5
Hello, dongjoon, Thanks for sharing your observation, I liked how your describe your economics professor because economics is my department, I have had some professors are looks like the one you have wrote about, they wear clean clothes, usually shirt with jeans or shirt with suit pant. Like you said, their appearance “tells that he is a very conservative”. I think this may because they are sanding in school and being the role of professor. Being conservative is a way of being responsible to students and their career. however, I am not sure about your words:”he follows a value that schools or parents taught”. Do you mean they got high level education and being a professor is flowing the values that schools and parents told him ? I cannot compeletely agree with you, A person’s clothing and behavior in his working environment cannot tell his value of his life. Your third example is a business girl, “Her well designed clothes and perfectly fit into her body indicated that she has a strong confidence on her jobs and has a full of knowledge on her job” is a great observation.
Response to Dongjoon’s post of unit 6
“A mood music sounds makes the scenes slowly so that some unusual events will be waiting”, this is a great analysis of the Non-diegetic sounds, which is also wildly used in horror films. The background music is one of the example. In Buffy, the director use music many times, it usually combine with lights effects and the whole atmosphere would change, this also promoting the plot development and catch people’s mood. On the other hand, the diegetic sounds are more like to occur to suits the need of story. they are actor’s actings, the sounds that come from the screen space. These are the differences between these two sounds, one is for add effects, and another one is for create the story and lead audience to the plot of the film. after apply these sounds in a horror film, the atmosphere has already create and catcher people’s curiosity. At this point, camera just follow actors’ move and show the perfect horror scenes.
Response to Dongjoon’s post of unit 4.
You have made good point about how “dishes are mainly made through transforming normal materials to beautiful piece of works”. I agree with you about the recreating is an important aspect of considering food as art. This process is highly similar to the process of making art works. For example, sculpture. However, I am not quit sure if we should consider about the taste of food when when talk about food as art, it is more likely to ask if someone dislike oil paintings, this person could not have aesthetic reaction towards oil paintings, is this type of painting not art for him? For example, we saw the “fast presentation” the fast food could be tasting good for some people because they have the chemical seasoning, which may make the taste good for someones, but not many people would like to say fast food is art. I think food can be art, but we should see more meanings of food rather than what do we see, what do we smell and wheat do we taste.
Assignment: Unit 6
At the beginning of the Buffy episode, the aesthetic of horror includes all the elements of horror film : the sounds, the lights and the moving camera. When the girl are called by the teacher to lay down on the desk, things started to be little bit unusual, this attracted the audience to pay attention. Then the man kissed the girl, at the same time, camera zoom in their faces. Then the girl opened eyes and found out the lights are down, A terrorist atmosphere of music starts, She feels strange as the same time with the audience, camera moves with her and there is a cild voice sing a song and when the girl saw the child, the scream starts. This is a complete scene of horror film. In the scene, mise-en-scene is represented clearly with the acting of the characters, First of all, the professor told the girl to lay down in front of the classroom , and then tell the man to ” be a good boy” these unusual actions give people a message that something strange is going to happen. The strange conversation between actors increases the feeling of unease, and this feeling only grows as the scene progresses. When Buffy heard what they said, her face looks little bit scars, this also shows that the danger is coming. Non-diagetic sounds: the main characters didn’t talked about anything normal, but the background music started right after the lights down, this has big effects , the background music is one of the example of non-diegetic sounds add a horror effect. Usually, at the end of the music, something strange would happen. This non-diegetic address the horror feeling. The Diagetic sound will be the voices of characters, for example, in this scene, the voice of the little child’s singing. After the lights down, Buffy heard the singing from the outside of the classroom, she feels scared and follows the voice, at this point, audience would have already get into the horror atmosphere.
Discussion Assignment: Unit 5
Firstly, I saw a old man in a cake shop, he was having cake and coffee with his wife. I assumed that he could not see well because he wear a big glass and he asked his wife to tell him whats on the top of the cake. I thought he is a man who care about clean, he wear clean cloth and has clean hair, he was using the napkin to clean his mouth after biting the cake. I also noticed that he loves sweet food because he comment on the cake a lot and he described how he would make that cake at home. I thought he must be a good beaker and love to enjoy food. I saw he bus the table for he and his wife and when they walked out to the store, he opened the door and let his wife walked out first. this action tells me that he is a man that pay attention to his wife and like to take care of her in life.
Secondly, I went to BUZZ Coffee yesterday and saw a lady who was ordering coffee. She wore heels, suit skirts, sweater and carry a leather bag. I thought she must be an instructor or student of University of Oregon because she was carrying laptop and books and she showed up at a coffee on campus in the early morning. She had long black hair and very long eyelash, I assumed she is East Asian because I have had so many east Asian friends around, I know what do they look like and especial I know the way she did her male up on her face. Since I am a girl, I know the way a female do her make up tells a lot about where she grows up. And then , she sit down with her coffee, she took off a box from her bag, it was a box of salad. I was sure she must be a person that care about health because she eats salad in the morning! I also assumed that she values health lifestyle a lot, she wears classic clothes and eat health, homemake breakfast. Then, she opened laptop and started to work on something, This enhanced my assumption about she is students or teacher to both.
Lastly, I am taking summer class, my CIS teacher is a lady, she looks very young, I guess she must be GTF rather than professor because it is impossible that she got PHD at this age. I assuming she came from India because she has long black hair, wearing earrings, long dress and flat whose, her clothing has Indian clothing style. Also, she has accent when she speaks. I feel she is a very organized person because she has note cards on hand while she was teaching, she give her lecture in order. She also writes down the steps of the lecture on blackboard.
By observing these people, I understand that everyone has different background, position in society, values, believes. People shows these through their appearances, actions, words and interactions with others. What is more interesting is , as an observer, I also see people in a way that may different than other observers. I assume where this person come from and I assume what do they care about in their lives.
Food as Art
When I saw the title of this article, immediacy I remembered a conversation between me and one of my friends, she came from Iran, once we talked about food while she was chopping vegetable to cook Iranian food in her kitchen, she said:”Oh my god, Iranian food needs so much chopping!” I said: “Chinese food also needs lots of work, I think that why they turn out so good!” Both of us choose to spend more time on cooking because we enjoy food as we enjoy art. I asked myself if food is art, my answer was: not the fast food, but the ones that show the wise of human toward eating. In fact, the good food isn’t only about eating, it has culture: culture of the family or culture of the country; the passion from the cooks and the passion from the people who are eating; the spread of trade; the recreating of subjects; the design of color and patterns of a dish. For example , the “Slow food presentation” showed all the process and carrying from people during the food making, it includes how different generations, the mother and the son, working together to create great food. This could make me feel good and say: “it is beautiful!”. The same reaction I will have when I appreciate an art work. As I read the article” Food as Art”, I agreed with Tefler about food this special art is not hard to be determined : “This is a work of art for society if it is treated by that society as primarily an object of aesthetic consideration” (p13). This clearly argued that some people might say food isn’t art just because they could not find this definition through what they have learn from the books or school. People are told to have aesthetic reaction in certain environment and content, in shorts, people think something is the “work of art” that are named by “work of art”. Therefore they think the painting in museum is art but the food is not. Behind this, many people like me, do have the aesthetic reaction towards food. Even though, as the article discussed, food may be lack of evidence to be an art because it follows instructions rather than originally creative, I think most food has a part of creativity. Different people may have different point of view over this question” should we see food as art?” Which point will you choose ?
value list
Value Assignment :list and reflection
My top five was : Health, Family, Loyally, Independent and personal development.
What I have got from my family are most come from my father, he has influenced me in many ways. He told me that health is very important, when I left hometown for school, he stared saying that safety is important, I understand this is all because his caring for me. He teaches me the importance of each one in my family all the time: we wish everyone health and safety so we can have a complete and happy family. Also, I value my principles, which can be called ” bottom lies” a lot more than other things. There are certain things I would not do unless I am in the condition that I have to do. For example, I registered a class with four of my friends, they drop it because they found out the teacher gives less As and less pass. I could not allow myself to do that because I believe I can pass any class if I work hard enough. I was in that class alone, however, I felt really good when I was really following my rules. My family showed me this in many ways: keep your principles, especially when you are facing temptation.
Today is Saturday, I cooked Breakfast for myself, and then I hang out with friends. From 4:00pm to now,
I was studying my GRE test and AAD class. I am eating health and living heath , these have already become my lifestyle, I cook a lot at home and I eat Organic, this is because I value my health more than the taste of food or the price of food. This is why I usually cook breakfast at home. Second, I studied GRE text, I am graduating this summer and I am planing to go to Boston University for my master degree. I am appreciate education , it has gave me many things that I could not get without it. I also value my independence, I studied hard to get scholarship so I could be little bit facially independent. One of the reason that I choose to go to master school rather than work is I can improve myself with knowledge for a few more years will be great . Thats my value, I value the cheerful moments with personal improvement. During the past three years in University of Oregon, I learned how to manage my study time, even though I am still not very good. I had big issue about time management, I used to finish homework at last minuet. If I have a test, I would start the review two day before the test, That was my biggest obstacle. For example, today, I was planing work from 2:00pm, but I started at 4:00pm.
Essay Assignment: What is art for ?
1. Dissanayake ‘s view is that in order to include human history, guam cultures, and human psychology, art viewed as an inherent universal (or biological ) trait of the human species, as normal and natural as language, sex, sociability, aggression, or any of the other characteristics of human nature. Dissanayake created this term.