Creative Spirtituality Reflection

  1. How do you define “spirituality”: Spirituality is simply a process of personal transformation. Using personal senses, people see or feel something and get inspired by it. By experiencing the senses, people express their aesthetic reactions and interpret the senses in forms of several works. Spirituality obviously enables people to believe the senses and to see a certain thing deeply. Once people get inspired and have a strong spirituality, it would not be easy to change their views.
  2. Does spirituality differ from religion?Spirituality can be found in many subjects, many people believe that one subject could have reality side and spirituality side. Also, one person could define many things in his/her life as spirituality, for example, the relationship between this person and another person is spirituality, however, the same person cloud also have a relationship with different person which may be not spirituality. On the other hand, religion is a belief. One person usually have one one religion, some people even only believe in one version or one type of a pacific religion. For example, Muslin has Sony and Shia. Some Arabic people only believe in Sony and all his/her belief and religion practice only relate to this one type of religion.
  3. How do you define “creativity”? Creativity is ability of creating  something new and also valuable. Such as an idea, an artistic or a painting. Creativity is an ability of people, it always turns out positive outcomes. such as painter with creativity produce great paintings. “the process of creativity includes formulation, saturation, incubation, inspiration, translation and integration” (Grey).
  4. What is the source of creativity? There must be some ways of learning that are helping with the people to develop the ability of being creative. It may require the people themselves has the willingness to be creative and the environment to be allowed to let them to be. Lastly, there must be something to encourage and inspires them to be creative. It could be information, knowledge, encouragement, and technologies.

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