Assignment Unit 9

Argument of Lawrence Lessig video on Ted Talks “Laws that choke creativity” is the new 20th century culture that technology is bringing is a read only not read and write, in other words the young generation are not actually creating a new thing but remixing and presenting a new massage. I understand his opinion that today’s technology helps us store information and present this information, however because of this large amount of information people tend to forget how to be more creative than before. I do believe the old knowledge and traditional culture are rich enough for us to learn and look at in different perspectives. I believe that laws and regulations limit people’s expressions but, they cannot limit an individual’s imagination. How many steps exist between imagination and expression?

3 thoughts on “Assignment Unit 9”

  1. Hi, xiaoxue~
    I don’t agree what you said, “the young generation are not actually creating a new thing but remixing and presenting a new massage.” There is not doubt that the remix thing comes from the other designer’s original source. However, the remix is a new form to present a new art. Lessig clam “(new technology) These tools of creativity have become tools of speech. It is literacy for this generation. This is how our kids speak. It is how our kids think. It is what your kids are, as they increasingly understand digital technologies and their relationship to themselves” The technology endow a new way for people to create a work of art which is different with the pervious art form. The remix work shows the new generation’s inspiration and innovation. The technological art already come out.

    Lawrence Lessig: Laws that choke creativity from:

  2. I totally agree with you. Unlike the past period, numerous information is available in the internet that people can refer. Old generation could not search many information in fast way so that their creativity is far more outstanding than current generation. This can be a tragedy of technology. Nowadays, we can search information as much as we can and use the sources for our reference to create a new work. Copyrights that have been issue today obviously prevent young generation to get creativity. If a strict law is conducted, young generation will not eagerly engage in creating new source because of copyright law. They even will not try to do. In order to get creativity, I think young generation should spend time without using technologies and imagine some music beat or art. It would take a huge time to express their creativity because they do not refer the information available in the present.

  3. I agree with you and Joon Gu, that the newer generations are becoming much less creative and much more lazy due to technology. On page 101, Lessig discusses the word ‘copy’ brought into our vocabulary to demonstrate the act of replicating previously created work, something young generations have become quite good at. To answer your question, I think quite a few steps lie between imagination and expression. There are plenty of things that may come to our imagination but will never be expressed maybe because of laws preventing that expression, maybe because of lack of tools to express it, or lack of motivation to create it.

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