Comment on Simin Chen’s post

Check this link for the post and my comment.

Simin Chen uses Dissanayake’s words to explain the art is different in viewers’ eyes based on their cultural, environmental differences. The example in this post explained people who come from different area in this world would see the world map in different ways. This is understandable, however, people which are more international may see the world map in an other point of view. When Simin related this example to the fact that most people like the same art, such as “Mona Lisa’s smile”, it becomes hard for me to follow.  In fact, most people never see this painting and they never really think about if they love it or not. The fact is most people believe the value of this painting: it is one of the best work of Leonardo da Vinci and he allocated big amount of time in order to complete this artwork. He translated the image in his imagination through the strokes of his brush.  People love this artwork because they appreciate this great artist.  Also, people love it because it cannot be reproduced.  People don’t love the same art, they love fine arts, which are famous, valuable and cannot be reproduced.They have been created primarily for intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, and architecture(Rhode). In this case, people with different culture could like same art, however, art is not only includes the fine arts, there are many more type of arts and some of them are totally defined by people’s own preferences.


Work Cites

Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI – MFA in Ceramics, Glass, Jewelry + Metalsmithing, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Textiles; BFA in Film/Animation/Video, Illustration.

5 thoughts on “Comment on Simin Chen’s post”

  1. Hi~xiaoxue, i think you should go back to my blog and leave your comments in my blog, not in yours blog, thx~

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