Artifact 8: Remix


1. Become acquainted with copyright as a historic, cultural and economic paradigm and its value and pertinence to creative works.

2. Explore the changing nature of copyright in the context of “Remix Culture” and the “Fifth World”

3. Examine your own and others values and paradigms of ownership and authorship of cultural media.

4. Evaluate the meanings of real and fake and examine their intersection with personal and cultural identity and authenticity.

Original Post:

1. special

2. meaningful

3. creativity

4. freedom

5. unique

6. mindful

7. desire

8. impressive

9. detail

10. unbelievable



The first five words above showed in the picture


For me, I usually go to see the recreated artwork on some websites. These websites show people’s artworks which are mostly recreated such as MV and musics. Even though most of hem are not authorized, they are so popular and interesting. For example, People use 2 different movies and combine them together. The cohesion between some plots is very close. After these artworks being handled, people will upload them on websites and share with people on internet. However, some of them are banned by government.


After watching Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk, I realized that creativity has been facing difficult problem with laws. He thought that if government or laws always limit people’s creativity to protect some companies’ profit, our kids will be hard to get creativity. Hence, artists and creators embrace the idea and choose that their work be made available more freely. At the same time, we need the business that are building out this read-write culture to embrace this opportunity expressly, to enable it. People need creativity.


For me, I will do my best to balance of recreation and creativity. I will get more knowledge and experience to improve myself for getting creativity. At the same time, I should absorb others’ creativity to know how they create. Creativity has no limit, it still has a long long way for people to walk.

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