Unit 8-Technology Discussion

After watching the TED from Jane McGonigal’s speech”Gaming can make a better world”, I realized that gaming is not just bad things. She suggested that more and more people spent time on gaming. At the same time, she showed a boy’s face who was playing game. The boy looked like different from normal face. The most important things that Jane listed in her show is four reasons she thought why gaming is good to make a better world. She thought that people will be more hard to work because gamers play games more careful and do their best in games. She also said that people will be more friendly in games and trust each other. It is better for society. However, If people are cheated by other gamers, will they be more rude or not trust others in real life? Hence, I have to say, every coin has its two sides. It is too early to think gaming can make a better world.

1 Comment so far

  1.   ltd@uoregon.edu on February 28th, 2014          Reply

    I agree that it is a risky statement to say that gaming could help change the world. It will take a lot of hypothesizing and experimenting in order to further understand the positive and/or negative effects that games can have on people. It is interesting though how the world connects by gaming. Games are universal across cultures; thus, much of the worlds population is playing the same game and working towards similar goals. I do agree that it is tough to tell how gaming can further our world peace versus other tactics, however, it can be one way to study people’s behaviors globally.

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