Artifact 7: Art, Games, and Tech
– Learn about the history of computer graphics
– Examine the role of technology as a force for cultural maintenance and change
– Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines
I found that the presentation made by Jane McGonigal was very convincing and interesting. Most of parents are afraid that their Children are addicted to computer games which are bad for health and mental issue. Nonetheless, Jane contends that gaming can make a better a world and “Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes”. She does not mean the role of game is to predict the future but to empower people to make best scenario outcome in the future. I am thinking it’s a considerable wish and we should show more positive perspectives on the computer game
In my point of view, technology and computer game play important role in our life and also influence our life. Some parents are not likely to let their Children play games for they are easily addicted to the internet and games. However, The issue here is that we narrow down the effect of internet. Why not turn it around to help the world grow some more? Because the development of Internet and high-tech, we gradually familiar with people we don not before, we get to know history and famous spot on the world, etc. I believe that technology can impact individuals in more ways than we think.
I hope to find more interesting shows or technologies in the future. Hopefully, I can adapt to the development of the technology and see how amazing the art will perform in technical ways. The dedicated heart will never down!
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Gaming can make a better world. (n.d.). Retrieved from