Is food art?
Elizabeth Telfer points out that food is art in his article from the perspectives of aesthetic reactions first. He mentions that “there can be aesthetic reaction to tastes and smells, be visual aesthetic experience connected with foodstuffs ” and ” the non-neutral, vivid and non-instrumental reaction to taste and smells can be combined with a judgment for which the judger claims objectively (p.11). So it can be explained that we have vivid reactions on the pretty dishes, for they are art themselves and it will resonate the preference from people’s inherent perspective. However, Elizabeth also argues that eating may not be a art of food, appreciation of arts need understanding (p.24). The similar opinion can be found in Ellen Dissanayake’s theory that art interpretation means that individual experience the world by their own cultural appreciation and sensibilities from the point of postmodernism,(Dissanayake, 1991, p19). So if just eating, it can not be an art of food. In my point of view, food are absolutely artistic value if the food contains the emotional information like the best wishes for farewell or birthday. And art is part of our lives, and food is the easiest art that we can understand without any practice understanding. And when talking about the food, it can not be avoided talking about chefs.A good chef is often a good artist and psychologist, they will not just cook as they are asked to but to try new dishes both on the taste and appearance. The creative chefs often provide profound value on the food, which makes the food having more aesthetic perception. I was impressed by a chef worked in a 5 star restaurant in Beijing, he made the kong pao chicken very tasty. A little bit spicy with red pepper, exquisite meat and delicate carved flower on the plate, the dish is kind of like a art product made by the artistic chef. So there is no doubt that food is art because it took the serious design and effort to create such a aesthetic dinner.
October 24, 2014 at 10:15 pm (10 years ago)In the slow food video the textures, colors, sight, and sense of the food pictures shown are very effective and prove to me as the viewer that food should be considered as art. “The filling running down the side in jewel drips” (2:50). Just that simple quote from the video paints a picture in your brain, which is art. To me, I have always seen food as art due to the different textures and colors. From past experience I remember sitting down at the dinner table and not wanting to eat the food because of the colors, textures, and smells that were on the table. Another point of view that I would like to discuss with you was Dissanayake’s view on postmodernism. What are your thoughts on this? Postmodernism views art as ones on interpretation, do you think this is relevant? Also, do you think that the video on slow food has the same effect on viewers regarding if food is art.
October 26, 2014 at 10:13 pm (10 years ago)Hi, it is very interesting to see your post. Firstly I agree with you that food could be seen as art at some point, and your discussion on relationship between food and chef is also interesting. However, just like this week’s video showed, food has many different type as well as chef. You said that “[chef] will not just cook as they are asked to but to try new dishes both on the taste and appearance.” I think I have different view as yours. Some chef will actually just do what customers let them to do, and make same dish again and again. I don’t think every chef is creative. I think whether I see food as art depends on if the chef see it as art. Dissanaye said in her essay, art is something that “making special”. If that chef thinks that dish is art, then it is. What do you think about this opinion? I would like to discuss this more deeper later.
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