Unit 3 -1st post What is Art?

The article written by Ellen Dissanayake concerns different kinds perspectives of “Art”. She mentioned first that “art must be viewed as an inherent universal trait of human species”. That means art is kind of behavior that developed through the life no matter the sex, sociability, race and etc (p.2). Living in different culture shape the characters distinguished from others for sure. Then she moves to consider the art by the development of western concept of art. The progression of art developed through the time based on religion, politics and imagination of whatever they could imagine. There were less and less limitations on the development of art. And I can not agree any more about the ideas that Postmodernism implied -Art as Interpretation, which not only reflects the unique knowledge but also the upper views like our social institution, the assumptions of individual owns. Art interpretation also means that individual experience the world by their own cultural appreciation and sensibilities. I personally love Postmodernism for the freedom of art. And art is not related with finishing the work but making the work.  What’s more, it is worth thinking “Art for Life’s Sake”. “To begin with art was not for its own sake at all, but for the sake of the performance of ritual ceremonies “.We can not live without art. “It was emotional bonding of the participants that gave the ceremonies survival value. The making special, the touching of or entering an interesting realm that encouraged and allowed self-transcendent emotions tied together”(p.10).  The more human life complex, the more arts complex as well which is the charm of the art. And art is a behavior that will make people special and more accessible to the real world. In sum, art is not just a piece of work but the creation of life. Besides, art reflects the human demands to be promoted and nourished without ending.

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