November 2014 archive

Remixing Culture Discussion

The video “Laws That Choke Creativity”  presented by Lawrence Lessig. He argues that  mass of laws could restrict creativity. Using others might cause the act of piracy and breaking copyright laws .However, the internet makes life easier, enriching knowledge on Internet library, creating novels based on others ideas and etc. I always feel that a good idea should be motivated by what he saw or heard instead of just thinking. If remixes ideas from others break the law, there will have less creative work. I am thinking it is better to have laws protecting the copyright rather than prohibit remixing.

Art, Games, and Tech Discussion

I found that the presentation made by Jane McGonigal was very convincing and interesting. Most of parents are afraid that their Children are addicted  to computer games which are bad for health and mental issue. Nonetheless, Jane contends that gaming can make a better a world and “Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes”. She does not mean the role of game is to predict the future but to empower people to make best scenario outcome in the future. I am thinking it’s a considerable wish and we should show more positive perspectives on the computer game

Creative Spirtituality Reflection

  1.  How do you define “spirituality”?

    In my viewpoint, I consider “spirituality” as reflecting the deep inner thought of one. “Spirituality” reflects our personal experience, education background to some extent and it can not be touched but it makes people unique. I feel interesting that  traveling around the world motivate some novelists and give them the spirituality for their art work. I can not agree more that no one knows what happens next because of unknown decision driven by spirituality.

  2. Does spirituality differ from religion?

     I think spiritually are different from religions. Religions are the perspectives that shared by a group of people or a area of country. Going to church is a one of a activity for Christian. People in same area are likely to have same religion. However, spirituality is very broad and religion can be one of branch from spirituality.

  3. How do you define “creativity”?

    Creativity to me, it is hard to describe the process how we solve the problem or create a idea, but it would be efficiently used in real life.For example, nowadays, creativity is one of vital requirement for a candidate competing for a job. No one can solve all the real problems from the text book, but the one with high creativity could always process the problems by the unique value and experience to succeed.

  4. What is the source of creativity?

    I believe either intrinsic or extrinsic motivation could be the source of creativity. As for intrinsic motivation, it might inherit from our parents. We probably have similar habits or hobbies with our parents. As for extrinsic motivation, we are greatly influenced by the environment we grow up, people we meet and the information we learn. All the motivations stimulate our creativity and bring us to unusual persons.

Creative Spirtituality Discussion

After reading the article “Art as Spiritual Practice-The Mission of Art” written by Grey, I have deeper understanding of creative art. The author quoted a statement “There is a vast difference between looking and seeing- a difference which is fundamental to the artist’s experience” by Ernes W. Watson(P.72). By saying this, Grey wants to explore from the perspectives of “seeing”. “Seeing” is more complex than “looking”, which from creating to expressing mind. A good artist is also an excellent independent thinker who loves to reflect the connection between art and real life. Besides, I am also touched by the idea of “Inspiration” that Grey mentioned in his article. He stated that “Inspiration is the most mysterious step in the creative process…Inspiration is beyond reason and it is like an unseen lover, a muse, an angel or demon” (P.82). He tried to explain inspiration is not like a object that we can learn or change it but a magic reaction based on sense of experience and spirit we own. I can not agree with it more because I really enjoy the process of creation. When I feel stuck writing essay, just go outside breathing the fresh air and smelling the sweet flower, which really clears my mind. In conclusion, creative spirituality based on personal experience and critical thinking, which is not a simple coincidence.

Horror Discussion

1)After watching “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” I saw many different interesting mise en scène included in the film. Mise en scène consists of production design like sets, props and costumes, lighting, actors’ performance and etc.When everyone lost their voices is an example of a Mise en scène. At the beginning , the scene is especially dark and everyone looks anxious and expresses the exaggerated ferocious faces.

2)The scene also has diegetic sound.Diegetic sound is the sound made by objects in the story and presented as originated from source within the film’s world.The most impressive diegetic sound to me was Buffy’s screams once she got her voice back and it blowing off the head of those monsters. I was relieved after the silent was broken, same as other audiences I believe.

3)The non-diegetic sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect. And the most interesting part to me was the the background music shift obviously followed the distance between the audiences and monsters. When the monsters were further away, the spooky music tense the mood, reflecting the horror atmosphere accurately.

All the effects contribute to the aesthetic of horror, which come from the changing lightning, background music, horrible makeup and costumes and etc. And  surprised plot can be the most horrifying in a horror film.