Fall 2016 | School of Journalism and Communication 2016 Yearbook |
December 31, 2016 | Saying goodbye to 2016 |
May 16, 2016 | Seth Lewis joins SOJC as Shirley Papé Chair in Electronic Media |
May 13, 2016 | SOJC panel weighs Freedom of Information Act’s Legacy on its 50th Anniversary |
May 3, 2016 | John Markoff Tackles Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Journalism |
April 25, 2016 | ‘What Is Media?’ Conference Goes International and Interdisciplinary |
April 20, 2016 | Futurist Amber Case Advocates for ‘Calm Technology’ and Less Interruptions |
April 18, 2016 | Habitats 2016 at the U of O Portland |
April 8, 2016 | Portland Conference Explores the Changing Role of Media |
Spring 2016 | Robots Among Us |
#whatismedia2016 (Twitter) | #habitats2016 (Twitter) |
#whatismedia2016 (Instagram) | #habitats2016 (Instagram) |
Being a tourist of my own experiences. #uofopdx #whatismedia @ University of Oregon White Stag…
— Twelvizm (@Twelvizm) February 7, 2016
What is Media? UO Journalism & Communication Conference-Experience in Portland | April 14-16, 2016 #WhatIsMedia2016
— IABC Oregon-Columbia (@IABC_Oregon) March 31, 2016
Speaking @Univ_Of_Oregon's What is Media Conf at Apr 16 in Portland! Come! #whatismedia2016
— Amber Case (@caseorganic) April 1, 2016
Welcome back from #SpringBreak! A great term planned @UOinPortland for #whatismedia2016 @markoff #SOJCDDJ @DesignWeekPDX @TFNW @SOJCAgora
— UO Journalism & Comm (@UOsojc) April 3, 2016
WHAT IS MEDIA? Conference-Experience April 14-16 at UO-Portland #whatismedia2016 #sojc100
— UO Journalism & Comm (@UOsojc) April 5, 2016
#whatismedia2016 is next week. There's still space! Register at
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 8, 2016
@MarshallYoum hosting FOIA Roundtable on 4/14 2-5pm with @tgleason @mschudson2 @duanebosworth @EFF @invw @BrentWalth #whatismedia2016
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 12, 2016
Come see my #teledildonics talk this Saturday at 1:30 at the University of Oregon in Portland! #whatismedia2016
— teddy pozo (@marip0zo) April 13, 2016
Excited to be talking about Syrian refugees and their media practices at #WhatIsMedia2016 conference in Portland
— Melissa Wall (@MelissaWall) April 13, 2016
#WhatIsMedia also up from the 14th through the 16th at the #turbull. Follow #WhatIsMedia16
— ONA PDX (@onapdx) April 13, 2016
On my way to #whatismedia? Conference at @PDXUofO @UOsojc
— Rodrigo Gómez (@rggja) April 13, 2016
Great panel at UO Turnbull Portland Center celebrating FOIA's 50th and laying foundation for SOJC's What Is Media?
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 14, 2016
#whatismedia2016 #FOIA Roundtable is off and running @MarshallYoum
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 14, 2016
History of transparency as an American value (inc. John Moss and FOIA): @mschudson2 opens the #whatismedia2016 conference.
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 14, 2016
Setting up at #whatismedia2016…
— John Park (@ParkInOregon) April 14, 2016
FOIA roundtable at #whatismedia2016 featuring Michael Schudson and with, among others, @EFF's Mark Rumold.
— Professor Ash (@prof_ash1) April 14, 2016
— Noor Alomran – نور (@NoorAlomran) April 15, 2016
#CarbonFeed is at #whatismedia2016 ! Fun project and beautiful art installation!
— Noor Alomran – نور (@NoorAlomran) April 15, 2016
Just settling in at #WhatIsMedia2016 – anxious to hear @Markoff talk about the role of humans (or lack thereof) in journalism's future.
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
@markoff: complete self-driving cars are a much bigger challenge than most of us realize #WhatIsMedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
A link to the @TechCrunch graphic on @facebook's algorithm mentioned by @markoff: #WhatIsMedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
@markoff: If there are features of human consciousness we don't know/understand, we can't code them. #WhatIsMedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
Carbon Feed at #whatismedia2016. For every hashtag a puff of CO2 released equivalent to what is produced by a tweet.
— Liam Cole Young (@lcyoung) April 15, 2016
OK, I have to see if I can get this thing to pop. #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
#whatismedia2016 is a go!
— John Park (@ParkInOregon) April 15, 2016
#whatismedia2016 Bubbling up
— PortlandBusinessTrib (@PortlandBizTrib) April 15, 2016
This gadget measures tweets. #feelthebern and #tedcruz are bubbling most. Tubes too short for #trump tweets.
— Steve Bass (@sbassopb) April 15, 2016
First highlight of #whatismedia2016: Most comfortable conference chairs ever
— Matt Bellinger (@mbllngr) April 15, 2016
Halfway across the globe – wifi connects automatically!@unihh and @MundusJourn at #whatismedia2016 @Univ_Of_Oregon
— Adilya Zaripova (@adizaripova) April 15, 2016
Facebook as a historical problem: @fturner at #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 15, 2016
At #whatismedia2016: @fturner on "Facebook as a Historical Problem"
— Matt Bellinger (@mbllngr) April 15, 2016
Friday's session of #whatismedia2016 underway. Some great panels in the line up.
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Proud to present @unihh @AarhusUni @MundusJourn at #whatismedia2016 @Univ_Of_Oregon
— Adilya Zaripova (@adizaripova) April 15, 2016
H.Bayer, Diagram of 360 Degrees Field of Vision, 1935 @fturner #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 15, 2016
Is Photography Water? Find out more at my presentation today, 10:15am, #whatismedia2016, @sojcagora @UOsojc
— Erik Palmer (@erikpalmer) April 15, 2016
Stanford's Fred Turner discusses the 'democratic surround' at UO Portland / SOJC #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
Turner: where we are now #whatismedia2016 #sojc
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
Great talk by @fturner on the historical problem of Facebook – environments of "choice" that are carefully selected/curated #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
The surround visual media experience is a selective and controlled environment. Fred Turner on Facebook. #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Does convergence of media mean the emergence of the global village or a single market? Sean Cubitt, "A Community of Media" #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Some Soviet history lessons from Fred Turner @Stanford #whatismedia2016
— Adilya Zaripova (@adizaripova) April 15, 2016
Erik Palmer asks why we use liquid metaphors to describe photography #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
Palmer: 'liquid photography dissolves the boundary between body & camera' #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
I just uploaded 'A Community of Media' to @academia! #whatismedia2016
— seancubitt (@seancubitt) April 15, 2016
Vincent Mosco: the Cloud + advanced data analytics + the Internet of Things = the New Internet #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
Listening to @Vmosco on the cloud from the cloud at #whatismedia2016.
— Professor Ash (@prof_ash1) April 15, 2016
Internet of things and big data a recurring theme of #whatismedia2016 conference. Varying levels of pessimism/optimism about the future
— Dario Llinares (@dariodoubleL) April 15, 2016
Vincent Mosco on 'The Next Internet' suggests it is playing on myth around the singularity & bringing machines to life #whatismedia2016
— Dario Llinares (@dariodoubleL) April 15, 2016
We must examine the depth of feelings brought abt by tech systems, in order to better dissect their problems – @Vmosco #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 15, 2016
Lance Strate stresses media are plural, medium as environment, media as environments, ecology of media #whatismedia2016 #sojc100
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 15, 2016
"Learning is the medium and ignorance is its message." — @LanceStrate #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 15, 2016
Lance Strate drawing on McLuhan "Education is the medium, ignorance is the message" #whatismedia2016 #greatquote
— Dario Llinares (@dariodoubleL) April 15, 2016
McRobbie is on the first of her four theses, and I'm already sold on buying her book #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
Having an academic fangirl moment listening to Angela McRobbie at #whatismedia2016.
— Professor Ash (@prof_ash1) April 15, 2016
I feel like McRobbie's theses about cultural and creative labor also apply to contingent academic labor. #whatismedia2016
— Professor Ash (@prof_ash1) April 15, 2016
This #WhatIsMedia2016
— Andrew DeVigal (@drewvigal) April 15, 2016
Fantastic takedown of creative economy by @angelamcrobbie. In Portland no less #whatismedia2016
— Melissa Wall (@MelissaWall) April 15, 2016
Excellent lunch plenary w/ Mosco on the PE of new internet, Strate on defining media, and McRobbie on creative labour! #whatismedia2016
— brian fauteux (@brianfauteux) April 15, 2016
The Walter Lippmann and John Dewey Roundtable underway now #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
— Rodrigo Gómez (@rggja) April 15, 2016
Link to report on digital VOD distribution of independent film discussed by Phillip Drake #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
We have now a population with a worldview of homeschoolers. Nathan Crick #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Walter Lippmann and John Dewey Roundtable #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Dewey and Lippman share the assumption of inopperative political communication. Colin Koopman #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Communication can't address the nature & politics of communication itself. It rather generate it. Colin Koopman. #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
Mediation today is inescapable, where indeed we see Dewey needs Lippmann. Colin Koopman. #whatismedia2016
— Téwodros Workneh (@Tework) April 15, 2016
"civic media repair": tracing #placemaking to J.Dewey — @medialiteracies @imaginify #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 15, 2016
Is Photography Water? The deck from my #whatismedia2016 presentation this morning: @UOsojc @sojcagora
— Erik Palmer (@erikpalmer) April 15, 2016
Sandra Barman talking about Trends in Information Policy #whatismedia2016 @UOsojc
— Rodrigo Gómez (@rggja) April 15, 2016
The most uncanny thing about VR is coming out of it and experiencing the lingering sensation that you're still inside. #whatismedia2016
— Matt Carlson (@hellospiral) April 15, 2016
"Learning is the medium and ignorance is its message." LanceStrate #whatismedia2016
— Paolo Bory (@PaoloBory) April 15, 2016
"This is the world" Graham Murdock of @lborouniversity at #whatismedia2016
— Adilya Zaripova (@adizaripova) April 15, 2016
Lots of presenters discussing the ecological impact of disposable tech #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 15, 2016
.@Vmosco's pithy summary of his #whatismedia2016 presentation today @UOsojc @sojcagora
— Erik Palmer (@erikpalmer) April 15, 2016
Getting my art on while learning about media #sojc #whatismedia
— Amanda Smith (@amandalee_smith) April 16, 2016
Checked out Portland murals today after the What is Media conference. Such an artsy city. #whatismedia2016
— Troy Elias (@troyelias) April 16, 2016
Simultaneously inspiring and heartbreaking screening of Women Art Revolution at #whatismedia2016
— Joan Haran (@JoanHaran) April 16, 2016
Listening to Lynn Hershman Leeson talk Teknolust at #whatismedia2016 brings back great memories of screening it at #WisCon with @kathleenor
— Joan Haran (@JoanHaran) April 16, 2016
Sheldon Renan: Lynn Hershman Leeson makes new forms of media when she makes art #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 16, 2016
Lynn Hershman Leeson: shift of life forms is creating completely different life on the planet #whatismedia2016
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 16, 2016
Leeson: we will evolve into multiple species. #whatismedia2016 #sojc100
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 16, 2016
!Women Art Revolution: @srenan interviews @Killer_App_ at screening #whatismedia2016
— Howard Silverman (@S4Pattern) April 16, 2016
Getting ready for keynote by @Floridi #whatismedia2016 @Univ_Of_Oregon @UOsojc
— Andrew Bonamici (@andrewbonamici) April 16, 2016
Starting day three at #whatismedia2016: @Floridi on "Information that shapes information: on the re-ontologizing power of media"
— Matt Bellinger (@mbllngr) April 16, 2016
Luciano Floridi, Prof. of Philosophy of Information @UniofOxford will present information that shapes information at #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Cost of technological devices down & number of connected people grows high and these resulted in the growth of data #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
@Floridi Thank you so much for your wonderful lecture on information this morning at #whatismedia2016.
— Amber Case (@caseorganic) April 16, 2016
'Those who live by the digit may die by the digit' Luciano Floridi at #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Tech difficulties interrupt @Floridi's presentation at #whatismedia2016… Driving home his point about dependence of human comm on ICTs
— Matt Bellinger (@mbllngr) April 16, 2016
50 billion devices will be online by 2020. -Cisco #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
.@caseorganic: We are living in an era of interruptive technology#whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 16, 2016
"We are in the era of interruptive technologies" – Amber Case #whatismedia2016
— Paolo Bory (@PaoloBory) April 16, 2016
We need to move from an era of interruptive technology to calm technology @caseorganic #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Tea kettles, smoke detectors are examples of calm technology @caseorganic #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Technology should communicate but don't have to speak #whatismedia2016 @caseorganic
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Link to @caseorganic's 8 principles of calm technology: #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 16, 2016
"Accomplish the same goals with the least amount of mental cost." – @caseorganic on Calm Technology #WhatIsMedia2016
— Andrew DeVigal (@drewvigal) April 16, 2016
The digital does not describe nor prescribe the world but inscribe #whatismedia2016 @Floridi
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Big data is moving the world from the era of history to hyper-history @Floridi #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Some "trending topics" of the #whatismedia2016 conference so far: materialism, singularity, robots, and Tesla self-driving cars
— Gabriela Zago (@gabizago) April 16, 2016
In a mature information societies what is the new morphology of media? @Floridi #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Power in a mature societies is about controlling the morphology of the flow of the information @Floridi #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
@mbllngr answers without questions = advertisement. No question asked, but they are going to give you the answer anyway 😎
— Luciano Floridi (@Floridi) April 16, 2016
In a break out session of #whatismedia2016 on copyright & political economy
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
With a current political economy system an average content creator do not have an agency #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Free the nipples:Protesting speech in private virtual spaces @Caitlinring at #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Social media content management systems are not public spaces @Caitlinring #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Private spaces might function as public forums @Caitlinring #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Now @JustinFrancese's turn on the framing of TPP's in news coverage & White House Communication #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Siobhan Watters with great paper on cultural techniques of food, political economic consequences of techo-media operations #whatismedia2016
— Liam Cole Young (@lcyoung) April 16, 2016
4 major frames emerges in TPP's news coverage: Job growth, American Power, Human Rights regulations & Level playing field #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
.@MelissaWall: For Syrian refugees, cell phone is a necessity for mobility, social connections & identity #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 16, 2016
The conference is finishing #whatismedia2016
— Rodrigo Gómez (@rggja) April 16, 2016
Corporations are value driven entities even though they are primarily commercial in their nature #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Public controversies are acquiring new forms of routine because of digital media #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Definitely the best business card I've been given!! @SAM_liooil liooil #whatismedia2016
— Agi Haines (@AgiHaines) April 16, 2016
In a session of infopolitics at #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Emerging theme at #whatismedia2016 – interplay of digital and ecological in communication.
— Derek Moscato (@derekmoscato) April 16, 2016
Digitization of media & process might have contributed in privatization of the welfare system #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Here are @FembotColl reps at #whatismedia2016 @brycepeake @estlundkm @castabile
— Andrew Bonamici (@andrewbonamici) April 16, 2016
In Russian academia journalism & communications are part of political sciences #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
'Mobile Is Eating the World' Benedict Evans is being quoted to contextualize the mobile use in 2016 #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
collaboration and community (and diversity) are more than terms. They require structures and dedication. @FembotColl #whatismedia2016
— Andrew Bonamici (@andrewbonamici) April 16, 2016
Just introduced #whatismedia2016 to the @Cinematologists podcast. Hopefully gained some new listeners/contributors.
— Dario Llinares (@dariodoubleL) April 16, 2016
First I'm hearing of the @HoloLens – pretty wild stuff #whatismedia2016
— Brian Ekdale (@bekdale) April 16, 2016
Session Includes @bekdale's important work on slum tourism media too! #whatismedia2016 #kibera
— Melissa Wall (@MelissaWall) April 16, 2016
In ironic encounters privileges is recast as a social good and slum tourism is an example #whatismedia2016 Africa
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
British newspapers coverage of China's involvement in Africa echos old colonial and racial stereotypes #whatismedia2016 #Africa
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Out of 492 articles published online in AlJazeera,BBC & CNN more than 60% of the coverage is about USA rather than China #whatismedia2016
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
I loved updating about #whatismedia2016 & through the process I have learnt a lot about media!Thanks to the organizers & for following
— Endalk (@endalk2006) April 16, 2016
Flash tought: #materiality seems to be so exciting for media scholars exactly like the concept of #virtuality in the 90s. #whatismedia2016
— Paolo Bory (@PaoloBory) April 17, 2016
— Matthew Pittman (@matthewcpittman) April 17, 2016
Awesome #carbonfeed at #whatismedia2016
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 17, 2016
Thank you @sungparkphoto can't wait to see the time lapse! #whatismedia2016
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 17, 2016
Coolest. Shopping cart. Ever. At the @Univ_Of_Oregon building in Portland. #art. #whatismedia2016 #sojc
— Dr. Hillary Lake, WCPO (@hillarylake) April 17, 2016
My buddy @drewvigal testing #VR w/ #HTCvive. He's using a leaf blower to repel a drone. Obviously. #whatismedia2016
— ifanyi bell (@ifanyi) April 17, 2016
Short text of my talk on Innis, the beaver, and the infrastructure of civilization at #whatismedia2016 :
— Liam Cole Young (@lcyoung) April 18, 2016
What is Media? Understanding Digital Disruption in 2016. My slides from #whatismedia2016
— Damian Radcliffe (@damianradcliffe) April 18, 2016
My talk for #whatismedia2016 'Media as limits: the role of boundaries in digital media history' is on @academia
— Paolo Bory (@PaoloBory) April 20, 2016
What about #whatismedia2016? Share highlights. What events are you most interested in next?
— ONA PDX (@onapdx) April 18, 2016
Great outcome #whatismedia2016 @UOsojc
— Rodrigo Gómez (@rggja) April 18, 2016
Closing session at #whatismedia2016. What a great weekend! Inspired.
— Agora Journalism Cen (@sojcagora) April 17, 2016
Anne Blackburne's contributions to #habitats2016 exhibition in #portland, OR4 and OR7:
— (@Portlandart_net) April 18, 2016
Brenna Murphy's 1st Oculus Rift VR art piece at #Habitats2016: @UpforGallery
— (@Portlandart_net) April 18, 2016
From #Habitats2016, Tabitha Nicolai's Mutatis Mutandis #portland #art #Caitlyn_Jenner
— (@Portlandart_net) April 18, 2016
Agatha Haines #Habitats2016 #portlamd #art
— (@Portlandart_net) April 20, 2016
Michael Salter's Styrobot #Habitats2016 #art
— (@Portlandart_net) April 20, 2016
Lynn Hershman Leeson's Agent Ruby at #Habitats2016 : #portland #art #design
— (@Portlandart_net) April 22, 2016
‘What Is Media?’ conference goes international and interdisciplinary
— Photomediations (@photomediations) April 26, 2016
Michael Salter's Styrobo in #Habitats2016 #portland #art
— (@Portlandart_net) April 27, 2016
Tonight for 1st Thursday Habitats will be open and running 6-9: #portland #art #Habitats2016
— (@Portlandart_net) May 5, 2016
Be sure to check out this group exhibition at U of O's White Stag building before May 14 – #habitats2016
— Upfor (@UpforGallery) May 10, 2016