Professor of Theoretical Philosophy
Institute of Philosophy
Freie Universität Berlin

“Media as Cultural Techniques: From Inscribed Surfaces to Digitalized Interfaces”
FRIDAY, APRIL 15 • 9:15a

Sybille Krämer is the author of Medium, Messenger, Transmission: An Approach to Media Philosophy (Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2015; in German, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2008); Ada Lovelace: Die Pionierin der Computertechnik und ihre Nachfolgerinnen (Fink Wilhelm, 2015); Sprache, Sprechakt, Kommunikation: Sprachtheoretische Positionen des 20. Jahrhunderts (Suhrkamp Verlag, 2001); and Technik, Natur, Gesellschaft: Versuch über ihren Zusammenhang (Campus Verlag, 1997). She is co-editor with Eva Cancik-Kirschbaum and Rainer Totzke of Schriftbildlichkeit: Wahrnehmbarkeit, Materialität und Operativität von Notationen (Akademie Verlag, 2012). From 2006 to 2008 she was a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin). Since 2007 she has been a member of the Scientific Panel of the European Research Council, and spokesperson for the Notational Iconicity Research Training Group of the German Research Foundation since 2008. In 2010, Krämer was appointed to the Senate of the German Research Foundation.