Department of Communication
Université de Montréal

“Organizing as the Creation of Organs: A Relational View”
SATURDAY, APRIL 16 • 12:00p

François Cooren’s main interest concerns “organizing” phenomena and organizations’ ways of being and acting. He takes a “constitutive” view aimed at showing that it is in and through communication that organization is created, in entrepreneurial, associative or humanitarian contexts. This view leads him to analyze social interactions. Cooren explores the way in which values, principles, norms and ideologies are expressed, applied and developed in texts and conversations. In the end, all these interests lead him to revisit different traditions in communication research and to show how each one contributes to developing a truly communication-based view of the world around us. He is the author of: Organizational Discourse: Communication and Constitution (Polity Press, 2015); Language and Communication at Work : Discourse, Narrativity, and Organizing with Eero Vaara, Ann Langley, and Haridimos Tsoukas (Oxford Univ. Press, 2014); Organization and Organizing: Materiality, Agency, and Discourse with Daniel Robichaud (Routledge, 2013); Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation and Ventriloquism (John Benjamins Pub. Co., 2010); and Communication as organizing: empirical and theoretical explorations into the dynamic of text and conversation (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2006). He served as President of the International Communication Association (ICA) from 2010-11 , and was inducted as a Lifetime Fellow in 2013.