Harmonic Laboratory is a collective of artists, thinkers, educators and innovators that investigate the human experience through the integration of media and common theme. Our mission is to integrate art, science, and the humanities in the development of creative works that tell stories and unpack the dense cultural
content around us. We believe such projects serve a greater educational purpose and enrich community through performative art. Harmonic Laboratory is committed to providing resources and support to projects and participants that endeavor to cross boundaries of discipline, ideology, and form in the creation of innovative and compelling artwork.
• Jon Bellona, Intermedia-Artist/Programmer/Doctoral Student, Composition & Computer Technologies Program, University of Virginia
• Misei Daimaru, Dancer, GarnerDances
• Robin Ewing, Dancer, GarnerDances
• Brad Garner, Choreographer/Associate Professor of Dance, University of Oregon
• Laura Katzman, Dancer, GarnerDances
• Shannon Mockli, Dancer, GarnerDances
• John Park, Animator/Programmer/Career Instructor, Digital Arts, University of Oregon
• Kellyn Rost, Dancer, GarnerDances
• Tommy Schreiner, Dancer, GarnerDances
• Jeremy Schropp, Composer/Doctor of Philosophy in Music Composition, University of Oregon