Resources (2020–21)

Table of Contents

Maps & Simulations

• John Hopkins University & Medicine

• University of Massachusetts Amherst, Reich Lab

  • The COVID-19 Forecast Hub
    COVID-19 US Weekly Forecast Summary | Visualization | Community | Forecast Evaluation Dashboard
    “…authoritative, up-to-date record for forecasts of COVID-19 cases, deaths and hospitalizations in the US, created by dozens of leading infectious disease modeling teams from around the globe, in coordination with the US CDC.” “…founded in March 2020 by the Reich Lab of the University of Massachusetts Amherst and has been supported since then by a small but dedicated group of faculty, post-docs, and students from UMass-Amherst, Iowa State, Carnegie Mellon, and international research groups. “

• Carnegie Mellon University, Delphi Team

  • Forecast Evaluation Research Collaborative
    Carnegie Mellon University Delphi Group and UMass-Amherst Reich Lab “…are funded by the CDC as Centers of Excellence for Influenza and COVID-19 Forecasting. […] The collaborative’s mission is to help epidemiological researchers gain insights into the performance of their forecasts and lead to more accurate forecasting of epidemics. Both groups lead initiatives related to COVID-19 data and forecast curation.”

• ncov2019.Live (data)

• isee systems (simulation)

  • The COVID-19 Simulator
    “… to understand the range of possible outcomes their community may experience over the next weeks and months. It … is a work in progress and criticisms and suggestions are welcome …” “isee systems is a leading developer and manufacturer of Systems Thinking and Dynamic Modeling software.”

• New England Complex Systems Institute | NECSI & MIT

  • End Coronavirus |
    • Guidelines | Data
      “Our research team has co-faculty, students and affiliates from MIT, Harvard, Brandeis and other universities nationally and internationally. […] We utilize a range of mathematical tools designed for systems with many interacting components in which traditional statistical assumptions break down.”
    • Facts & Figures: Map Visualization

State of Oregon

Oregon Health Authority (OHA)

“Oregonians must come together to keep our communities safe and healthy. Your actions can save lives: wear a mask, physically distance, limit your gatherings, stay home when sick, and get a vaccination once it’s available to you.”

Oregon Department of Education

Safe + Strong | OHA

“As we face coronavirus (COVID-19) together, it’s clear that we are strongest when we are in community — even from a distance.”
Includes: Latest Updates | Resources | Community Board | Partner Toolkit

• Stay Home. Save Lives.

“… download these materials and to share them, unaltered, in any medium for any noncommercial use.”

• Surrounding States

Colleges & Universities

• University of Oregon (UO)

• UO Remote Learning

• UO Research

• Oregon Health & Science Univ.

• Other Oregon Universities

• Harvard Medical School

• MIT Medical

University of Oxford | Medical Sciences Division

Centers, Institutes, & International

• Federal Centers & Institutes

• International Organizations


• Journals

  • The Lancet
    COVID-19 Resource Centre
    an independent, international weekly general [world leading] medical journal…” “To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close … brings together new … COVID-19 content … free to access.”
  • | Nature Research
    Collection | Coronavirus
    “To support urgent research to combat the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the editorial teams at Nature Research have curated a collection of relevant articles. … includes research into the basic biology of coronavirus infection, its detection, treatment and evolution, research into the epidemiology of emerging viral diseases, and our coverage of current events. The articles will remain free to access for as long as the outbreak remains a public health emergency of international concern.”
  • Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science
    Tags: Coronavirus 
    has been at the center of important scientific discovery since its founding in 1880—with seed money from Thomas Edison. Today, Science continues to publish the very best in research across the sciences, with articles that consistently rank among the most cited in the world.”
  • Springer Nature | Springer Group
    SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19
    Springer Nature is committed to supporting the global response to emerging outbreaks by enabling fast and direct access to the latest available research, evidence, and data. … All content listed here is free to access. If you are not able to access an article that you believe to be important in both understanding and addressing this emergency…”
  • New England Journal of Medicine | Massachusetts Medical Society
    Coronavirus (Covid-19) | Collection
    “A collection of articles and other resources on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.”
  • The BMJ | British Medical Journal
    Coronavirus (covid-19): Latest news and resources
    “This page is where all BMJ coverage of the coronavirus outbreak can be found. All articles and resources are freely available.”

• Magazines

  • IEEE Spectrum
    Tag: Biomedical
    COVID-19 IEEE Resources

    is the flagship magazine and website of the IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], the world’s largest professional organization devoted to engineering and the applied sciences.”
  • MIT Technology Review
    Tag: Biotechnology
    Tag: Tech Policy
    “Founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899, MIT Technology Review derives its authority from the world’s foremost technology institution and from our editors’ deep technical knowledge, capacity to see technologies in their broadest context, and unequaled access to leading innovators and researchers.”

• News

• Documentaries and Videos

• Miscellaneous

• Resource start date: March 10, 2020 •