
#networks2020 draws upon an interwoven tapestry of works—networks—across communication, design, history, homelessness, information systems, installation art, media, newspapers, photography, textile arts, and visual arts. It draws on information in its broadest context including adaptation, books, documentary, prints, sculptures and installations, resilient systems, time-based arts, physical and virtual environments, as well as juxtapositions of analogue and digital works.



April 30 – August 31, 2020

Virtual Light Court Commons
Ethnographia Island
University of Oregon Remote

Second Life • Parcel 18 • 164, 221, 30 • Free & Open to the Public


Andrea Aranow & Caleb Sayan1 2

Donna Davis3 4 5

Peter Laufer6 7 8

Wade Larsen

Dana Lynn Louis9 10

Sandra Rendgen11 12

Street Roots & Mapping Action Collective13 14

Jeremy Swartz

May 28, 2020 • “Adapting to the Times” (The Oregon Reality Lab, University of Oregon Portland, School of Journalism and Communication)


Teleport Link 16


Janet Wasko (UO Knight Chair in Communication Research); Donna Davis (Oregon Reality Lab, SOJC, UO), Tredi Felisimo and Second Life Linden Research, and members of Builder’s Brewery; Caleb Sayan (Textile Hive); Andrea Aranow (Textile Documents); Dana Lynn Louis (Gather:Make:Shelter); Sandra Rendgen (Infographics Group); Peter Laufer (SOJC, UO); Kaia Sand with Sophie Maziraga, Mallory Smith, and Joanne Zuhl (Street Roots); Sachi Arakawa, Randy Morris, Tim Hitchins, Isnardo Gandarilla, Thea Kindschuh (Mapping Action Collective); Wade Larsen (multimethod); Metamedia @ UofO; and Cris Moss (UO PDX Arts & Culture Coordinator).

  1. Andrea Aranow & Caleb Sayan: Textile Hive & Knowledge BaseTextile DocumentsPortland Textile MonthTextileXchange
  2. Barrett, Annin. (2016). “Meisen Magic How Textiles Could Revolutionize Big Data (again).” Textile Hive: Stories.
  3. Oregon Reality Lab
  4. School of Journalism and Communication: University of Oregon Portland. (May 28, 2020). “Adapting to the Times.” Oregon Reality Lab Facebook.
  5. Trainor, Tim {video+photos: Tim Trainor & Jeff Collet}. “Immerse Yourself in the Media of the Future Virtual reality lab becomes a reality at UO Portland” (includes Immersive media glossary). AroundTheO.
  6. Peter LauferUNESCO Crossings Institute for Conflict-Sensitive Reporting & Intercultural Dialogue
  7. Laufer, Peter. (August 2020). Up Against the Wall. Anthem Press.
  8. Stevens, Nathan. (May 12, 2019). “UNESCO Student Research Fellow Olivia Sanchez on her Time in Paris.” UO-UNESCO; (December 20, 2019). “Where Does Public Radio Go From Here.” UO-UNESCO; (December 28, 2019). “The Perfect Voice for Radio.” UO-UNESCO.
  9. Dana Lynn Louis: Gather : Make : Shelter • The Gather:Make:Shelter Academy • “Response to COVID-19: GMS Joins C(3)PO”.
  10. Zinn, Sebastian. (May 15, 2020). “Artful solutions to foster community.” Oregon ArtsWatch; Hill, Helen. (February 14, 2020). “The art and activism of Dana Lynn Louis.” Oregon ArtsWatch.
  11. Sandra Rendgen: Data Stories (podcast)
  12. Rendgen, Sandra. The Minard System: The Complete Statistical Graphics of Charles-Joseph Minard. New York, NY: Princeton Architectural Press, 2018; Rendgen, Sandra (ed.), Julius Wiedemann, David Rumsey, Michael Friendly, Michael Stoll, and Scott Klein. 2019. History of Information Graphics. Köln, Germany: Taschen, 2019.
  13. Kaia Sand: Street RootsDigital EditionThe Rose City Resource Guide (COVID-19 Edition)Mapping Action Collective
  14. Sand, Kaia. (August 14, 2020). “Back to print, back to our roots.” Opinion: Street Roots. Sand, Kaia. (April 24, 2020). “Street Roots is well versed in addressing challenges with creativity.” Directors Desk: Street Roots Digital Edition. Hart-Landsber, Martin. (April 21, 2020). “Back to normal is not good enough; we need a new economy.” Street Roots Digital Edition.
  15. Grand Opening and Tour with Jeremy Swartz & Donna Davis (via Zoom and SL) • Thursday • April 30, 2020 • 07:15p PDT; Special Performance by Xander Nichting • Composer & Violinist • Friday • May 29, 2020 • 12:00p PDT.
  16. Technical details for Second Life including: Downloads | Getting Started | Support