Day 11 – Monday, 15 July 2019

Today we crossed over from Denmark to Sweden by bike and by ferry – how cool! We first travelled from Helsingør to Helsingborg on ferry. We briefly explored Helsingborg, which feels industrial in contrast to Helsingør’s beachy, summer house vibe. While walking around Helsingborg, I noticed a man counting his steps in a parking lot, seemingly measuring the space. When I asked him about it, he said they’re preparing for an event in the next few days, a food market. Sounds like a big improvement from the current parking lot if you ask me!

We biked south, following a well-marked bike route and bike path, but did encounter more aggressive or frustrated drivers than I noticed the past couple days biking in Denmark. The ride was scenic and short, a nice “active recovery” from the long day yesterday. 

After a delicious salad from a convenience store (how novel!), we hopped on another ferry to the island of Ven. 20 minutes later we rolled off the ferry and onto a gravel road to travel to our accommodation for the night. We passed quaint houses and alpacas on the way, received our cabin assignments, and settled in. A few of us headed into “town” to pick up some groceries for dinner. I have not noticed much bicycle infrastructure on the island, but there seem to be many people on bikes who have the largest presence on the road. While we enjoyed the scenic ride, grocery options were limited and the shop was very crowded!

We scraped together a nice meal and enjoyed it with most of the group, eating amongst the Swedish families at the other picnic tables.

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