Dragonfly Bend

Dragonfly BendCategory: Restoration (City of Eugene)

Location: Located in west Eugene to the north of Royal Avenue, adjacent to Amazon Creek.

Size: 77 acres. The site is a component of the much broader West Eugene Wetlands complex which covers approximately 3,000 acres.


Dragonfly Bend was historically a wetland prairie, converted in the 1930s to agricultural use. It was farmed for Lolium multiflorum (annual ryegrass) production when purchased by the City of Eugene in 2002 for use as a wetland mitigation site. The wetland restoration project was initiated in 2005 and is now considered complete. The project included restoration of approximately 32 acres of wetland prairie, 16 acres of vernal pools, 4 acres of upland prairie, and a one-acre ash swale. In addition, approximately 3,000 lineal feet of riparian restoration was implemented on the adjacent Amazon Creek. The restoration effort was considered highly successful with monitoring results showing the establishment of 97%-99% relative cover of natives in the first phase of the project.


Ongoing management actions are directed at maintaining diversity and addressing woody encroachment and invasion by non-native vegetation. Management will include periodic ecological burns and mowing along with spot treatment of emerging invasive species.


Access and Contact: The site is open to the public, although no formal facilities are present. Public parking is available at the adjacent Checkermallow Access (on Meadowlark Prairie) located on the south side of Royal Avenue. To access Dragonfly bend, carefully cross to the north side of Royal Avenue and access the site via the gate on the west side of Amazon Creek. For more information, contact the City of Eugene Parks and Open Space Division at 541-682-4800.

One thought on “Dragonfly Bend”

  1. We just had 36 hawthorn trees removed from our Ash swale area. The machinery laid waste too much of the ground. In dry July, we wonder if we should broadcast any seed, or water, or wait until the fall to plant. Any advice you can offer would be most appreciated.

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