
VineOnline is a blog dedicated to reporting the latest news and events from ChinaVine team members

ChinaVine featured in CultureWork

The new issue of CultureWork explores the evolution of the ChinaVine project and its online interface, ChinaVine.org. ChinaVine.org site is an interpretive online space allowing for contributors from around the world to present ideas, images, and interpretations of China’s cultural heritage. In this article, faculty and former graduate students at the University of Oregon, coordinators […] […]

Field school progress…

At this point, we are more than halfway through our Beijing-based, ChinaVine-driven field school, and everything is moving along according to—and in many ways, exceeding—our plans. As co-directors, we spent many hours planning and imagining the experience we’d like students to have in Beijing, the whole time realizing that, ultimately, much of the experience would […] […]

Lunch at a Host Household

On July 9 the UO field work team in Beijing did intensive field work today in Jianguo – food, Red tourism, rose tea, and a hike up Miaofeng mountain to the Three Temples. Lunch provided a way to experience Jianguo’s goal to be tourist destination for experiencing local meals made from local products, both wild […] […]