
VineOnline is a blog dedicated to reporting the latest news and events from ChinaVine team members

Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among China’s Tai Chi Masters and Big Media Magnates

Hello Everyone!

This is to remind you that you are invited to join AAD faculty members Doug Blandy and Scott Huette TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 8th from 12:30-1:30 PM for a brown-bag presentation about their recent trip to China in association with the ChinaVine initiative. “Maintaining Balance and Finding the Flow: Field Working for ChinaVine Among China’s Tai Chi Masters and Big Media Magnates”, will take place in the EMU Umpqua River Room. Doug will give an overview of Chinavine and some of the program developments and partnerships that arose from the trip. Scott will discuss their visit to the White Cloud Taoist Temple, Tai Chi practices in Temple of Heaven park, and his experience interviewing Tai Chi Master Li and pushing hands with one of his students, a provincial push hands champion. They will be sharing lots of images, video, stories, and research, and answering questions about their travels and the larger ChinaVine project. Doug Blandy is the Associate Dean of the School of Architecture and Allied Arts and Director of the Arts and Administration Program (on research leave 2011-12). Scott Huette is an adjunct faculty member in AAD and AAA and works with the Office of Professional Outreach and Development for Students (PODS).

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